From here to Eternity

After seeing this I always wondered, why did they not just remake From Here to Eternity. It had everything they could have wanted romance, personal drama, showed what life was like on base. Just add in the Michael Bay attack scene and you've got yourself a movie. It would have been much easier for Bruckheimer to have that movie readapted and then just add more to it. Movie could of been a lot better if they had done that.


Michael Bay and his ridiculously cartoonish attack scenes is a large part of what is wrong with the film.

...Or are you so naive to think planes really flew like that?

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


I actually enjoy that sequence. Well... minus the part where that sailor yells "I can't swim." That is BS. But as far as realism in the scene i didn't really care.


I actually enjoy that sequence. Well... minus the part where that sailor yells "I can't swim." That is BS.

Goes to show what you know.
Or more to the point... Don't.

Planes cannot dogfight 5 feet off the ground, dodging around buildings and ambulances.

And as far as a sailor not knowing how to swim being BS.... You'd be surprised just how NOT BS that is.
And that's a fact.

But as far as realism in the scene i didn't really care.

And you're exactly the sort of gullible dupe that Bay counts upon to make his crap films a boxoffice hit.

His films are not sucessful because they are good. They're sucessful because of zombies like you.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


So someone is a zombie if they like a sequence if they acknowledge its not realistic, okay, forget about what decisions they make in their personal life or their education...


No, he's an idiot because he accepts what's BS, then calls BS on what's correct. Clearly proving he doesn't know WTF he is talking about.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


Or they probably just didn't get what they were saying out too well, it happens dude. No need to draw to such big conclusions, friend.
