this movie is a joke
Jimmy Doolittle was assigned to procurement when he came back to the AAC in 1940. Not until Jan. 42 was he assigned to prepare for the Tokyo Raid.
A studdered as a pilot? that is a joke too!
US Navy nurses giving physicals to US Army Air Corp pilot? The US Army had and still has its own nurses and medical personal for that!
and what is with the "admiral kimmel" that is so young. That actor is about 40 years old playing Kimmel, who was 59 years old!
Modern Battleship at Pearl Harbor, USS Missouri was even built in 41!
Supposedly Russia is in the war when Affleck is in the Uk fighting the Luftwaffe. But the Luftwaffe had moved its entire bomber force to Poland in May 41 for the June Invasion. Britain was not being bombed anymore but instead was itself bombing Germany and conducting hit and run raids over France in 41!