Trivia Question

A few years ago I recall reading something in the trivia section about how the Dolittle raid scene in this film was the first time since the actual raid that B-25's had taken off from an aircraft carrier. Was that removed because it was untrue? Anyone else remember reading that? Also the older man in the film on the carrier during the launch scene who does the arm pump was supposedly someone involved in or part of the actual Dolittle raid. Anyone remember that? I can't find the guy on IMDB. If anyone remembers these items or why they were taken off thanks.

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I think that was all done with special effects,those planes are much too old to attempt something like that today. Most of the film had this special effects "comic book look" to it...out of necessity. All that stuff is too old...



It would be interesting if the story is true. I doubt it too. B-25s taking off from a carrier was, at best, extremely risky, and it's unlikely they'd risk lives and properly to try it for a movie when so much of it is CGI.

I have no idea about the older man; I'd never heard that story before.

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