MovieChat Forums > Hannibal (2001) Discussion > how would u rank the Hannibal Bad guys ....

how would u rank the Hannibal Bad guys ....

With five movies and four books there are a few killers to go through. And in the spirit of mindlessly ranking things, I’d like to go from bottom to top . The most fun, most brutal, most entertaining psychos to the other ones that ….sucked.
7. Anyone from Hannibal Rising
This is the only movie and book that I was not able to get through. I think it was just a dumb idea. Making Hannibal out to be an antihero when he is supposed to be a villain. Plus Rhys Ilfan was terrible. And Gaspard Ulliel, was just, my God. Trying so hard to be evil that he just comes off as silly. The best villians are the guys that don’t seem like there trying to be evil, they just are. Gaspard looked like he was trying. Way to hard and failing. That one line “Evening Inspector” just….no good.
6. Brian Cox as Hannibal Lector
From here on I can’t say any of these guys give bad performances and while I think Cox did a good job. It has flaws. Manhunter is a flawed movie. I saw it when I was a kid before Hannibal and all the rest of them came out. Someone recommended it to me cause they knew I was a fan of Lambs. I could not follow it at all. The flick does not exactly flow. I have since read the book and I saw the other movie so I know what’s going on now. And the movie does have some real strengths but also a lot of flaws …and its very, very 80’s. Still though Cox did a good job, smug, nasty. He’s smarter then everyone and he knows it. The problem is there just isn’t enough of him. I know it follows the book but …even though we hear how dangerous Lecter is or Lecktor , we never see him do anything. He doesn’t kill anyone or wear anyone’s skin. It’s just not Lecter without that. Plus in this film they say Lecter only killed college girls. That’s not as epic.
5. Tom Noonan as the Tooth Fairy
This guy was born to be a villain. RoboCop 2, Last Action Hero (which sucked but he was good in it).
His Francis Dolarhyde is just so *beep* creepy , almost inhuman. And I do think it’s a good performance but again this is movie is flawed. I think he’s a little too in the shadows. Noonan’s creepy and unnerving but that’s about it. He has his strengths but he never really feels like a fully fleshed out character. The relationship with Joan Allen was weak. And that climax was pretty underwhelming. Though I do like the song In A goda devveda. And the film had some pretty creepy imagery.
4. Ralph Fiennes as the other Tooth Fairy
Now this was fleshed out. Ralph Fiennes has done a fair amount of crap but I think he has real talent. And though he is obviously good lookingt he is also really good at playing disgusting villains. Think Amon Goeth or Voldemort and the Red Dragon was no exception. Of all the guys on the list he seems the most conflicted, the most tortured. Deep down he knows what he is doing is wrong but he can’t help himself. That he tries to fight it, and fails makes it all the more tragic. And l like the way his crazy ness is tied up with the William Blake painting. This is better shown in this movie. And that creepy house. Plus I think the ending in this film is better than either the last film or the original book. While he never had the intensity of Noonan , he still felt like a more fleshed out character. And that tattoo was bad ass.

3. Gary Oldman as Mason Verger
This one I think will be my most controversial pick and while I know that Hannibal is a terrible movie (even more frustrating than Hannibal Rising cause actual talented people were involved in this one) I still love the hell out of that character . He is just so entertainingly, disgustingly, despicably, perversely evil. And the sad thing is that he is probably the sanest guy on the list. He’s not crazy like all the others just a sick *beep* with even sicker tastes that has the money to get away with it. Granted the movie cuts out a lot, his Roided up Domintraix Lesbo sister. His working relationship with Ida Amin, the child molesting stuff is only hinted at. Still though I think Gary Oldman killed it. A truly great actor and a great villain. And that Make up is unbelievable. I just love the idea of this sick hedonistic monster who loses everything, his face, all his stuff below the waste and now he has to find his kicks in a new way. Really to me he is the best part of that movie. Julian Moore is a robotic like imitation of Jodie Foster and Hopkins was just a goofier version of his old self. But Gary was great. That line when he talks about cutting his face. “It seemed like a good idea at the time.” God he was such a great character, why couldn’t the whole movie just be about him. The end always kind of threw me. Like who are we suppsosed to be rooting for. I guess Mason is the villain but when u think about it he Is doing the world a service by killing Lecter plus he does have sort of a legit beef with Lecter. Oh well, the whole movie is kind of muddled. Still though a great role from Gary Oldman.
2. Ted Levine as Buffalo Bill
I saw Lambs when I was only 8 or 9 I can’t remember which. Mother didn’t believe in censorship so I saw a lot of movies before 10 that I probably shouldn’t have. And I remember the scenes with Ted Levine. U know what im talking about. Jesus just… Jesus. Probably the craziest guy on the list. Poor Ted Levine. He played this guy so well he was never quite able to shed the image. The book goes into more back story, makes him much more tragic. The movie side steps a lot of this but here I think it works. Buffalo Bill feels like a full character, he loves his dog, that something right. He shows the tinniest hint of remorse when he talks to Catharine in the hole. Plus all the little things. His rings, his Swastika comforter. The way he talks, movies, the sluring of words, “Is she a great big fat person” . The way he turns on a dime. The whole performance is just so…….unsettling. At the same time there is something very pathetic and very tragic about the guy. He just wanted a boyfriend… I think. And I love that scene at the end where Jodie Foster figures it out. “Yeah u can use my phone.” Just the way he drops all the business cards and scampers away. Very creepy.

1. Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lector s
This probably not a surprise to anyone and really what can I say about Hopkins performance that hasn’t already been said. But his role in Lambs, neither of the other two performances came close. Him and Foster had great chemistry. And the escape scene. Damn. As a kid I remember when I figured out what was going on in the ambulance … And then the corpse got up and Lecter pulled the face off.
How would u rank them and why…….

i told you not to stop the boat. Now lets go. Apocaylpse Now



Oldman was fantastic as Mason Verger. Completely unrecognizable in every way. His voice in it chilling.


1. Anthony Hopkins


"We stayed up all night dry humping, it was awful, I think she gave me poison ivy."
