Based on true events
I have recently started a new book about the de Medici's and Savanorola called "Death in Florence" by Paul Strathern. In it I read about the many troubles that Lorenzo the Magnificent (the most famous de Medici ruler of Florence) had during his time. I read about the attempt of the Pazzi family in April 1748 to assassinate Lorenzo and overthrow his family. The assassination attempt was foiled and the Archbishop of Pisa was thrown out of a high window of the Palazzo della Signorio where he hung by the neck. Of course you will recognize this as the fate of Giancarlio Giannani - who in his role of Inspector Rinaldo PAZZI meets the same fate at the hand of Hannibal Lechter. I must go back and rewatch the movie & see why Hannibal recreated this famous event - aside from him being a homicidan psychopath, of course. Just thought you might want to know the historical basis of this part of the story.