MovieChat Forums > Hannibal (2001) Discussion > Ron Vawter As Paul Krendler

Ron Vawter As Paul Krendler

Do you think Ron Vawter, had he still been alive, would have been asked to reprise his role as Paul Krendler? Seeing as how the character has a much larger role in this film as opposed to his role in Silence (who only had a scant minute of screen-time), do you think the studio would have gone with an actor with much larger star power? It's not unheard of, as seen in 2010, where they re-casted the role of Heywood Floyd with Roy Scheider instead of the original actor, the lesser-known William Silvester. Personally, I would have preferred to have Ron Vawter just for consistency-sake, but seeing as how Paul in this movie is a corrupt, creepy guy who just wants to jump Clarice's bones, I guess it isn't a stretch to have a more prolific actor play the role, but in my opinion, they should have just renamed the character.

"Wasn't Einstein German?"
"Hard to tell from his accent, Russ."


Vawter certainly had the perfect look for a sleazy high-level bureaucrat, which is no doubt why he was picked for Krendler in SoTL. I can't really comment on his acting ability since I've only seen him in very small roles.

Much as I liked Ray Liotta in other roles (Goodfellas), I always thought he was somewhat miscast as Krendler.


stfu inbred trailer trash
nobody cares what u think
