MovieChat Forums > Hannibal (2001) Discussion > what about a sequel?

what about a sequel?

FBI agent Clarice Starling has to recruit ex special agent Will Graham to track down a horrific copycat killer who is reenacting murders of infamous serial killers. Their only hope to defeat him is the still at large Dr Hannibal Lecter..

Hannibal Lecter - Starring Anthony Hopkins, Jodie Foster, Ed Norton, JK Simmons, and Benedict Cumberbatch

Directed by David Fincher


But Clarice would be older than Will though. That would make no sense. Besides, these actors have out grown their characters.


FBI agent Clarice Starling has to recruit ex special agent Will Graham to track down a horrific copycat killer who is reenacting murders of infamous serial killers. Their only hope to defeat him is the still at large Dr Hannibal Lecter.

Here's a more appropriate and realistic concept for a sequel:

Hannibal Lecter is now a frail, toothless old man in a nursing home. After his dentures are taken away, he tries and fails to gum several nurses to death.


You mean the guy who is still playing the immortal god, Odin? lol


Ed Norton was terrible as Will Graham, William Peterson is the way to go





Sounds fine, but it won't happen, because of lack of interest on all sides. Hopkins has firmly stated that Red Dragon was his last portrayal of Lecter, Foster has no interest in returning whatsoever, and there's no more ground to cover (all the stories have been told and stretched thin). If another was made, it would be overdoing (which they already did with Rising anyway).


Sounds fine, but it won't happen, because of lack of interest on all sides. Hopkins has firmly stated that Red Dragon was his last portrayal of Lecter, Foster has no interest in returning whatsoever,

Hopkins might do it for the 💵 - hed surely get paid a lot more than his usual supporting roles (hes doing Transformers 5!). plus he wouldn't have to be in it much (like Silence).

Foster might be open to it as shes alot older now and might be interested in revisiting Starling later in her career, especially if its a decent story this time (apparently she didn't do Hannibal as she didn't like the story). plus itd really put her back on the map in a big way (she must be aware of all the other big name actors getting paid loads for coming back for belated sequels - and she could demand an easy $10-15m). also maybe the studio could fund a couple of the movies she wants to direct. Youd need Foster back to make the movie an 'event' picture (thered be no point with Moore really) itd be abit similar to Connery coming back to Bond after Lazenby.

And maybe Norton would do it as he needs a hit. (no way for Peterson as Graham as Manhunter is unconnected to the Hopkins Hannibal)

Of course you can guarantee all of them would sign up if Fincher were directing. He would be really cool choice (serial killer movies - Seven, Zodiac, Dragon Tatoo). itd be like Finchers dark take on the Hannibal saga with that Fincher style/feel/look (like the way Alien and Mission Impossible each had different directors – so here itd be Demme, Scott, Ratner, Fincher) plus hes worked with Foster (Panic Room) and Norton (Fight Club)

and there's no more ground to cover (all the stories have been told and stretched thin). If another was made, it would be overdoing (which they already did with Rising anyway).

well they could wrap up the saga (Hannibal was abit open ended as was Red Dragon, teasing Starling.. yes obviously its a prequel but still..). Harris could come up with an ending.. yes they've done the prequel (Rising) and reboot (the tv show) but that happens with other stuff (e.g. Terminator - prequel film 'Salvation' plus the Sarah Conner tv show..then Arnold returns in Genisys. Similar with Conan - the 2011 remake movie then possibly back to Arnold soon. Star Trek - all the spin offs with TNG/DS9 etc then they go back to the original series and Nimoy for the 2009 movie. Star Wars back comes the original actors after the prequels. plus Weaver is apparently coming back to 'Aliens' after all the AvPs/Prometheus). So the iconic Hopkins Hannibal (& Fosters Starling) could come back for a final movie that would have the added hook of a team up of Starling and Graham vs Lector (like all the current superhero team ups/face offs as well stuff like F&F) and possibly end with the death of Lector. itd be a sequel to 2001s Hannibal but also sort of work as the sequel SOTL should've had with Foster (abit similar to whats going to happen with Alien 5 possibly being the sequel Aliens should've had) as well as a follow up to Red Dragon (as it was the last film and had Norton)

plot wise im imagining Starling on the trail of this really *beep* ed up copycat killer (someone like Cumberbatch, Fassbender, Hardy) who she discovers is re-enacting infamous serial killings (Lectors, Tooth Fairys, Buffalo Bills etc). A long retired Will Graham reluctantly has to get involved at the behest of Starling and her new FBI boss (JK Simmons) due to his Lector experience. Lector would be this Kurtz like figure still at large who theyd have to first hed help them bring down the copycat but then for the ending he'd turn on them (maybe hed finally kill Graham).. and the climax would possibly involve Starling killing Lector (in a hauntingly poetic type way)..but like all iconic horror villains maybe not really..


And JLC has just come back to Halloween to huge success..( after being recast/reboots etc) as is Linda Hamilton in next years Terminator.

so Foster could easily return as Starling


Ok Hamiltons return didn't exactly work out

But Clarice would be older than Will though. That would make no sense. Besides, these actors have out grown their characters.
Just age Norton up to about mid/late 60s grey hair, make up


Agreed. Unless of course there was another book that was really well received. Even then, the problem remains that there'd likely be some retconning needed, because Hannibal the movie has a vastly different ending from the book. The one in the book is a bit hokey but also really creepy to me.
