I think I caught some of this movie before years ago, either way it was on TV the other night and I was half watching it (wasn't giving it my full attention or whatever), I enjoyed 'Silence Of The Lambs' and understand its success and everything but what I got from this film when it was on the other day was that it was just TERRIBLE! Like really really bad and would almost see it as an insult to be linked as a follow up / sequel to 'Silence Of The Lambs', it just seemed all over the place and very laughable as what I think is supposed to be a serious thriller/horror movie? The IMDb rating is surprising... Is it just me feeling this, anyone else? ...Maybe it was seen as good when released but has just aged really badly.
I've never understood why others seem to like this one as much as they do but they do seem to alright. I don't know what Hopkins feels about it but apparently he's happy with it?
I think many people hated this movie because it's obviously not in the class of The Silence of the Lambs was. It's kinda like The Godfather Part III. Just a totally different style, and lacking in terms of quality to the predecessors. But having said that, both Hannibal and The Godfather Part III were still entertaining, even though you knew it was kinda laughable. They were guilty pleasures. If you don't take them so seriously you can enjoy them.
Eh, everyone has a different opinion and different taste. Did I enjoy this movie as much as the first? No. However, this is the type of movie that can be watched 3-4 times and you are still picking up newer, smaller things that you don't pick up on the first viewing.
This is a different style film, I agree with you on that. However, why would you follow such a reasonable comment with "lacking in terms of quality to the predecessors?" Unless you are counting the other film that did not have Hopkins as Lecter, Hannibal only had one movie before it and quality is a matter of opinion.
Some people should just stick to films that don't require an individual to enjoy philosophy, complexity, nuance, subtlety or metaphors.
I have certainly seen and even enjoyed films that have less depth than Hannibal, but the idea of someone making such broad character judgments about people who do not find this film to be all that impressive is a bit ridiculous to me for a number of reasons. Even if it were a film I felt to be worthy of being held in such a high regard, I would have found that user's very elitist statement off-putting. I was simply responding in the user's "language."
--- I once told a woman I was Kevin Costner, and it worked because I believed it!
Oh, I noticed the philosophical layers, and I appreciated them on some level. They were actually pretty hard not to notice, which is why AarOnHisBox's statement irritated me. Such a statement more or less declared Hannibal as some esoteric work of art, where the only answer as to why someone may not enjoy the film is due to a number of personal failings central to artistic observation. It was almost as if the user was oblivious to the notion that some people may have picked up on these things, but felt that the film was still lacking in some form or another.
I admit that in hindsight I should have focused my initial post on AarOnBox's unnecessarily elitist notion of "prerequisites" to critique (or even view) Hannibal, rather than "fighting fire with fire" and causing collateral damage by attacking a film that has plenty of fans who are most likely civil and free of pretension.
--- I once told a woman I was Kevin Costner, and it worked because I believed it!
It is interesting how reading someone's thoughts on a film can enhance it. There is a chance I could end up liking Hannibal more if I read an analysis written by someone who loved it (I was lukewarm on how I felt about the plot in Only God Forgives until I read an analysis).
After re-watching every Hannibal-related film after marathon-ing both seasons of the excellent TV series, I can say that The Silence of the Lambs still holds up as a complete classic, but yeah, I would agree that Hannibal (film) while not a classic, is a film I will probably end up watching a few more times throughout my life. It has some excellent scenes!
--- I once told a woman I was Kevin Costner, and it worked because I believed it!
That was a pretty good thesis. I like how it expounded on some slightly unfinished thoughts I had regarding feminist themes in both of the Clarice films in the series. Also, reading this with the TV series fresh in my memory, it called to mind some major contrasts that I recognized between it and the films regarding Hannibal's victims. His murders in the show were often much less "altruistic," but I feel they did a fantastic job making Hannibal sympathetic in a completely different kind of way.
--- I once told a woman I was Kevin Costner, and it worked because I believed it!
At first I hated it, because it was so absurd. Now I love it because it is so absurd. This one doesn't have the aspirations the original had, which liberated the sequel a little. Every seen with Mason is perfect. Kessler is a perfect slime ball. And his dinner scene is disgusting and hilarious. Love it as much as the first. Maybe more sometimes.
Is this movie taken seriously? How about I deflect the question back at you. Are you taken seriously? When you throw shade at a fine movie like Hannibal, and you do so in an arrogant condescending manner, I know you're full of it. And I mean, even you seem to be aware of your own mental problems. You call yourself TheSkitsophrenicK. The only thing here that has aged really badly my friend, is you.
*Let me just go back to my "mental problem" mind of 2014* Am I taken seriously? Interesting turn of question, I see what you did there... Is that a question one can answer about themselves? Is anyone taken seriously? Wait, is this rhetorical? Pfft whatever lol, lets just go with what you yourself thinks of eh.. me and say No and see how that and the part that I've "aged really badly" suits you.. Yeah maybe my original post may have come across a little arrogant, not exactly my intention, as I appreciate anyone who will go and make a movie I was just genuinely interested as I noticed the drop in quality with this film compared to Silence Of The Lambs and I suppose thought these films would go in a better more serious if you will direction. That comment went up after viewing it and I was probably a tad disappointed with what I watched. No hate, have a lot of respect for the names attached to this. Haven't watched it since so I really can't remember enough of the movie to elaborate. Also why should I as I am just so DAMN full of it I might just explode..............
Harris pretty clearly wrote the book as a big FU to all the people who were big fans of a Clarice Hannibal romance that the first film pushed a little too far. The biggest problem with Hannibal is it tried to tone down some of the book and it didn't work.