MovieChat Forums > Hannibal (2001) Discussion > Brain scene was unrealistic

Brain scene was unrealistic

Is that even possible? How can you perfectly cut someones head open like that? It felt so cartoon-y



You say its unrealistic yet you ask if its possible...


How do you think they did brain surgeries, in terms of incision? With a drill, literally. And Hannibal was a very gifted MD. He didn't cut into his brain but rather just used the sac surrounding it.


Exactly.. What do you think a lobotomy is? They can remove bits of your brain without it killing you, and often patients undergoing brain surgery are kept awake so that the doctors can monitor them throughout. This would obviously be in a much more surgical environment but I guess Hannibal didn't really care if it killed him


Exactly. And it was the worst punishment he could think of for Krendler, with all his plotting and manipulating. Hannibal saw it fit for essentially make him stupid, before he's killed out of blood loss of inability to control his blood pressure as brain was compromised.


it was the worst punishment he could think of for Krendler

He should have kept him alive. Let him recover as much as possible. A scene where they explain to a now very stupid(and unemployed) Paul that he is forever in a semi-stupor because he ate part of his own brain.

That would have been an apt punishment.


Plus brains are yummy. 10 of 10 zombies would agree.


A skull saw. Pathologists and sometimes brain surgeons use them regularly.


A lot of brain surgery is done while the patient is awake. You can cut someone's head open without damaging the brain.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog


If anyone could do a successful brain transplant I'd put money on Lecter! He is a boss with a scalpel!
