I read Jodie Foster turned down the sequel b/c she felt the script betrayed Clarice; does anyone know why she feels that way? Was there more to it than that? I thought this Clarice seemed pretty consistent w/ SOTL.
You obviously haven't read the book, lol. That's what she based her decision on. Makes no sense to me, being how they didn't follow the book. I personally, love the book's ending. Maybe not immediately, I can't remember. The first time I read the book was well over a decade ago. I wish they had followed the book more. I've come to appreciate the shocking twist. Her character is also a bit different in the book. I recommend reading it. I don't want to tell you how it ends in case you do read it. Unless you really want me too.
yeah, you can tell me. I'm not going to read the book. How was Clarice so different in the book than the movie that made Foster decide she didn't want to do the sequel? I thought Clarice's character was good in Hannibal.
Clarice ended up being together with Hannibal. They lived the rest of their lives together as a couple. This happened after she went to rescue Hannibal from the Verger farm. Hannibal ended up rescuing her. She was shot twice with tranquilizers. The 2nd one hit bone, otherwise it probably would have been fatal. Dr. Lector kept her drugged up for awhile and played mind games with her. She was on hallucinogenic's as well. She ate Krendler's brain but she really didn't understand what she was doing. After he had successfully programmed her, he no longer kept her drugged and they lived happily ever after. Barney did spot them together at the very end of the book but he never told anyone. Hannibal started out wanting a replacement for Micha, his sister, and ended up in love with Clarice. She almost wanted a replacement for her father. Hannibal got the remains of her father and brought them to the house they were living in after the escape. She thought her father was really there and talked with him. She had a lot of baggage leftover from her childhood. Her mom was alive and didn't die when she was a child. She had younger siblings. She was sent away, as a child, after her father died because she was the oldest and her mom didn't make enough money as a maid. Her father wasn't a sheriff but a night's watchman. It would take too much time to write all the little things that made her different in the books. Just like in SotL, she didn't try to rescue a lamb but a horse, and she did so successfully. The lambs were screaming and it upset the horses. Her favorite was going to be killed for glue but the night she ran away she made it to a different farm and the sheriff helped save the horse. There was nothing she could do to save any of the lambs. As far as being a FBI agent, she wouldn't play the politics. She had a "smart mouth" which got her in trouble all the time. Jack Crawford had her back but lots of others were against her. Her job with the FBI was over, basically. Verger and Krendler set Clarice up so it appeared as if she sent a warning to Hannibal that the FBI were closing in on him. A ad that was placed in the personals in a magazine by Verger. It followed the instructions that Hannibal had written to Clarice from when he escaped from custody originally. She always felt like she was seen as poor white trash. She didn't sleep with more than one superior who hit on her and felt they held that against her. There were plenty of men who didn't like that she was a woman and the way she spoke and conducted herself. She wasn't a perfect FBI agent. Her personality was just different in the books. So much so that, it did seem possible that she ended up with Hannibal in the end. It was shocking but after some digesting, I liked how the book ended much more than the movie. I hope that helped a little bit. To really appreciate all the little nuances that made her different, you would have to read the book.
i have to say, the idea of Hannibal and Clarice being together sounds terrible. I like the ending to the movie better where they go their separate ways. Pretty much everything you said about Clarice's personality and time w/ the FBI was conveyed in the movie. To me, it goes against Clarice's morals to be w/ Hannibal. She's bound to her duty as an officer of the law, even if she gets the short end of the stick politically. No way does Clarice run off and live happily ever after w/ Hannibal. That just seems so corny to me, which is why i guess they changed the ending in the movie. Someone like Hannibal needs to remain single; otherwise his character is completely diluted.
I think Julianne Moore probably did a better job in the sequel, anyway. She was excellent. Thnx for filling me in! :)