Just a horrible movie
Ok, I know it's not very friendly to post this on a forum where there are obviously people who like this movie, but I really believe this is Spielbergs worst movie.
First, it looks atrocious! Kubrick obviously made some of the most stunningly looking movies of all time, but Spielberg also has an eye for good looking movies. How did he deliver such a washed out shiny hideously looking movie? I'm not saying Spielberg should have tried to emulate Kubrick, but to deliver something looking this shoddy is just inexcusable.
The acting is horrible. The way Osmont plays David just makes you want to strangle the thing. Add to that William Hurt who sleepwalk through his role and Davids parents being overly dramatic. The only one you care for is the Teddy bear.
The story is so unbelievable schmalzy. Just horrible! The way Spielberg whacks us over the head with his message is beyond believe. Yes, we get it, he wants to be a real boy. It was fun in Pinocchio.