MovieChat Forums > 2046 (2004) Discussion > Lulu alive (Spoiler)

Lulu alive (Spoiler)

I don't get it. After she was apparently murdered she is shown to be alive later in the film. Can someone please explain what I am missing here?


Lulu was just stabbed by her jealous boyfriend, there was actually no mention of her death if you look carefully.


Correct ^^ I missed that the first time I saw the film, but realized it later.



if the movie didn't specify lulu's death, it implied it. lulu died, and carina lau appears later in the film only as a representation of lulu is chow's mind.


Isn't it just a flashback to right before he meets her again? Because it is def. implied that she died, you don't get stabbed numerous times and bleed all over the place and are totally cool.


When Chow runs into Lulu the second time he includes the meeting in the 2046/2047 story which he didn't start to write until after she was stabbed. "If I had not seen the door number I never would have wrote the story". So the second scene when he runs into her means without a doubt she is still alive.
