MovieChat Forums > Miss Congeniality (2000) Discussion > Grace's costume.. before and after her m...

Grace's costume.. before and after her makeover.

I'm currently doing a critical research project about Women in film for my A level media studies. I'm focusing on particular films in which the female lead is transformed from the ugly duckling into the swan.
Just wanting to start a discussion really, what do you think makes the woman after her makeover more attractive than before? What is your opinion on this type of film?


Interesting question.

My thoughts. Of course there is the makeup and the hair, etc., but I think what is really behind a lot of these movies, and the running theme that always seems to appear has to do more with confidence then anything else. I think there are usually some kind of sel-esteem issues and the women are brought out of their shell so to speak. So the new duds and new do parallel an increase in confidene, which always makes someone more attractive.


I see it as empowerment. There are women who feel they have to "ugly down" to fit into a "man's world". The empowerment comes from...ohhhh I can be a woman, and still be great at my job.

Being "woman" doesn't mean high heels, and big hair, or being stereotypical anything. But taking pride in oneself is empowering. It's like coming to realize you CAN have your cake, and eat it too.


I don't know if this will help still since this post is more than four years old but I wanted to contribute my two cents.

I think Sandra after the makeover was more attractive than the one before because of how much more confidence she had. Before, she didn't want to be in a pageant let alone put on a dress or makeup! After, she walked the walk and her confidence surprised everyone.

I think more of these films should be made to be honest; there are plenty of people out there who should see that the ugly duckling can be a princess too.
