Rated R?

Does anyone elses DVD cover say that Miss Congeniality rated R?

I bought it from Blockbuster a couple years back and never noticed.



Oh yeah, i borrowed a copy from my local library for my mom. And when I saw the R-rating on the back, i was puzzled because this movie's material is nowhere even close to that. Hence, I knew this was too good to be true and wanted to check it out on the boards here.

Major printing/typo mistake on the part of the company/distrubuter, i guess so.

If you love & believe in Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it; put this as your signature.


mine says PG-13

youre all smoking crack



Bizarre. I just finished watching it on HBO and it shows a rating of PG13.


Yes mine said r


That's weird. I borrowed the DVD from the library and it's rated PG-13 for sexual references and a scene of violence.

The R rating must be a mistake unless there is another version of this movie.

Huh... You usually don't see that in bunnies.
