Miss Congeniality quiz, harder than I thought
I managed 17/25, but I had to work at it.
I managed 17/25, but I had to work at it.
only one i got wrong was the red heads one...who else was red headed besides Texas and Rhode Island?
What are you doing here? I thought I killed you yesterday! (grumbled Albi quite racistly) T~O
It just said who was the other redhead aside from Rhode Island, which was Texas.
I got 25/25.
Love isn't brains, children, it's blood...blood screaming inside you to work its will.
I got all 25 but it's been on TV all the time in the past couple weeks. I'm just a big dork when it comes to movie trivia. :)
I got 23/25 which is a lot better than I thought! It's been a while since I've last watched it, so... kudos to me!
Don't point your f_cking finger at crazy people!
21/25 but I just saw this movie for the first time.
"So... she really thought her thumb was missing? That's so crazy.."
balls - think I have watched this film way too often!
20 - 25
Your Score: 25
Smilers wear a crown, losers wear a frown.
How can I miss you if you wont go away?
i got 25/25. Mainly by guess work. I haven't seen this film in ages. I was surprised.
share25/25...haha I think I've seen the movie too many times. It's one of my favorites!
[Marcia and Charlie kiss]
Charlie:"Marcia I gotta go...something suddenly came up!" ;)
25/25 100% It's sad how many times I've watched this movie.