I read the novelization.
Yep. I did it. If for some reason you are actually curious, just like I was when I bought a used copy off of Amazon, I'll tell you a little bit about it.
The thing that most stuck out about this novelization, and I mean from the first page, is that it reads like...okay, remember in high school when you were given a writing assignment and the teacher asks you to write like a page and a half worth of material for a question that can be answered in two sentences? And so you stretch out EVERYTHING AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.
That's what this book was like.
I'll give you an example. Remember that forty five second scene in the very beginning where Jason is hanging in a warehouse and the security guard throws the blanket over him? That scene is about FIFTEEN PAGES in the book. Seriously.
It basically reads like Sci-Fi Pulp. The bad news is that it really drags on. The book is around 400 pages when it could have easily been condensed down to 300 or even 250 pages. I suppose the good news is that not only is nothing cut from the movie, but everything is really expanded upon. Also, there are a few cool ideas put into the book and Jason's motivation is briefly touched upon.
I bet you're happy you read this.
Also, there's FOUR sequels. I haven't read them. Yet.