Don't Quite Understand!

Hi, I am a little lost with this movie! Why in 101 was Dipstick owned by Roger and Anita and by Chloe in 102? All the dogs and characters have changed apart from Dipstick and Cruella. Please explain!!

Edited to say:
Is Chole Anita and Rogers daughter that we see at the end of 101? Is this how Chloe gets Dipstick? ...Oh, wouldn't Dipstick already died of old age? ...Confused!!


Chloe isn't Anita and Roger's daughter, I think she's just a "friend of thiers", someone who they knew. She got dipstick off them.

The reason all the dogs changed is because of the amount of time between the first film and this film - the puppies in the first film are now grown dogs.


Ok, thanks. It's all starting to make sence now!


Yea...and the movie is set "3 years later" because when Cruella turned evil in 102 dalmatians she said this "For which I had lost...3 years of my life!!"'s been 3 years and all the dogs are grown-ups.


Haha! When People think Chloe is Roger and Anita's daughter she aged 30 years in 3 years!


maybe the Dearlys sell dalmatians as their reputation or Chloe is a cousin of one of their's so she got one of their dogs. Too bad the movie never explained how she got him. Maybe the movie wanted us to wonder and come up with our own reasons.



Too bad the movie never explained how she got him. Maybe the movie wanted us to wonder and come up with our own reasons.

Same thing with how the Oompa Loompas reproduce when they clearly show no female ones. An (U)n(E)xplained (M)ystery.

~This is a message and opinion of a mouse~


I would like to think that she is Anita's sister or cousin. Since if they just sold a stranger one of the original 101 I dunno seems ceremonial not to give him to just any person.
