
Did the dog really not have any spots in real life, was it really a dalmation or was it a different breed?

If Practice Makes Perfect and Nobody's Perfect,Why Practice?


It was a real dalmation. They digitally deleted its' spots.


That's cool. I saw sumtimes in the movie how they kinda digitalized oddball like when she was hanging over the edge of the building and at the end when she slid down out of that thing into chloe's arms.

If Practice Makes Perfect and Nobody's Perfect,Why Practice?


Well of course they had to do that. If they actaully let the dog do that, she could've gotten seriously hurt.

Jack Sparrow: I got a jar a' dirt!
I got a jar a' dirt!
And guess what's inside it!


yeah but it looks sorta real i mean they could have made it look wayyyyyyyyy worse

When there's a crime out there,he's going 2 comb his hair,cause he's the good-lookin guy
