Chrono Break

Is the rumor about Chrono Break true? If it is what characters will be in it? Will Crono be back?



Nobody knows. Anything you hear that isn't directly from SquareEnix is just a rumour.


There are 50,000 rumors on Chrono Break not just "the rumor". And they are all false. The only thing that's true is Squaresoft registered the name. But there's no plan to make the game any time soon.

From the FAQs page on

Does SQUARE ENIX have any plans to develop a sequel to Chrono Cross?
A sequel to Chrono Cross is not in development. This doesn't mean we will never make a sequel. However, resources are being focused on other titles at this moment. Keep an eye on our Press Release page to keep up with current information on upcoming titles from SQUARE ENIX.

-Bohemian Thunder Storm
A bohemian storm is brewing...


There is hope:

There's a chance of it happening with in the next few years.



BohemianThunderStorm summed it up pretty nicely. The only thing we know is that Square registered the tradmarks for the names "Chrono Break" in the USA and "Chrono Brake" in Japan back in December 2001. Chrono Break was subsequently dropped, but the trademark for Chrono Brake remains to this very day.

I'm guessing that Square will eventually provide another Chrono game, perhaps shortly after the release of Final Fantasy XXXXVI...the remake.
