Square Enix reveals DS remake of Chrono Trigger
'bout time
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'bout time
Favorite Movies:
Jurassic Park
They had better just do as straight a port as possible (i.e. don't change any of the graphics, sound, dialog, etc.) or it will be an insult to the original which is widely acknowledged as a masterpiece.
The main target audience for Chrono Trigger DS must surely be those who played the SNES original (or via an emulator on PC as I did), and I'm fairly sure I'm not alone when I say I'd rather have a straight port rather than a revamp. I mean, look what Square did when they revamped Secret of Mana for the DS. What a travesty.
No, i'm sorry wademeister but that'd be lame. There's already a port of the game on the playstation and if you want a port then play it there. A full remake of this game would be absolutely amazing and should've been done years ago, the graphics'll probably be very similar to the remade FFIV. The origional was a masterpiece hands down and everyone can agree on that, but Chrono Trigger needs to take a new turn and this is an indication that square finally has their ass in gear and recognizes that ppl WANT this. My hopes are that this game is a commemoration to a new true sequel to chrono trigger that'll be made for the PS3 and revealed at E3. Chrono Trigger has been my fav. game for about 3-4 years now and i've played the hell out of the origional, i'd be VERY happy with a remake, not a port.
Official website: http://na.square-enix.com/ctds/ haha real time clock, nice.
Guess we'll have to wait and see (^_^).
I wouldn't mind a remake if it was done with the same consideration of the original that went into something like Tomb Raider Anniversary (which I enjoyed after having played the original TR), it's if they decide to change too much that I'd be unhappy.
*sigh* Recent information on the game along with a short montage of gameplay footage just shows that this is only an enhanced port of the origional, it's really cool but I dunno, nothing to go bonkers about.
This is my favorite game of all time but if this is just a port then I doubt it'll get me to buy a DS.
I think the website is www.chronotrigger.jp
A full remake to make it look like the Final Fantasy 7 Tech Demo for PS3 now that would be the $#@&%*!!!!!!
shareHonestly what i'd want is a top-down 2D view, but with 3D characters. exact same camera angles as before. Sorta like pokemon diamond and pearl, except better looking.
Favorite Movies:
Jurassic Park
That'd be pretty cool for a prequel or something but not for a remake of Chrono Trigger, idk, I like it the way it is.
I was hoping for something like this - http://www.opcoder.com/projects/chrono/
Stupid squareenix, that would've been amazing and you ruined it because you won't do it yourself.
u know there was a cool project once known as Chrono Resurrection making the game in 3d but square-enix stopped them from working on it u can still download the trailer to wat they would have made and it looks incredible here is a link
on a seperate note there are a bunch of fansites out there that are making new chrono games to be played on emulators and they are doin great jobs of it u can find demos for some of them on the net since they arent done, but there is chrono crisis and chrono trigger crimson echoes, continuing story lines after chrono trigger ends, and a few for the psx emulator continuing after chrono cross ended.