Casting the Chrono Trigger Movie. (Discuss)
Chrono - Robert Pattinson
Marle - Amy Adams
Lucca - Ellen Page
Magus - James Marsters/David Bowie (like both)
Frog - Orlando Bloom (Voice)
Robo - John Malkovich (Voice)
Ayalya - Marisa Miller/Kaley Cuoco
Schala - Emily Blunt
Ozzie - Armin Shimerman
Queen Zeal - Judi Dench
King Guardia - Robert Loggia
Cyrus - Jensen Ackles
Gaspar - Christopher Llyod
Chrono (Robert Pattinson) - I know what you're thinking....Robert Pattinson. That Twillight guy? Well, Chrono is such reactionary character that I think it matters very little on acting and more on how the look matches. I'm sure
there are other more capable actors but none of them would be young enough or have the hairstyle to play him. This WAS incredibly tough to choose. So FLAME ON.
Marle (Amy Adams) - Besides having the right eye color I think
Amy Adams has the reluctant warmth that fits Marle
really well. Plus! She is young, talented, looks great
in a white dress.
Lucca (Ellen Page) - The brainy and sassy know it all would fit this like a glove. Ellen Page has also been playing strong and intelligent female character roles and that is what Lucca is all about.
Magus (James Marsters/David Bowie) - I'm siding more and more with Bowie on this one for sure fact that his facial structure fits the bill. But also, I simply think overall Marsters would be more commanding in his lines wheareas Bowie would be more dark and esoteric. I'm split; I think both would do a good job.
Frog (Orlando Bloom) - Orlando has been playing self righteous hero roles for what seems like forever. And his voice is surely a big part of what makes him seem like the Knight with something to prove. Of course Glenn would be played by someone else but hell thats not a bad thing.
Robo (John Malkovich) - Another tricky one. I tried to shy away from the android and computer cliched actors and went with the soft and somber voice of John Malkovich. I figure when Malkovich goes into a rage he could play the bad robots or a malfuntioning robo pretty well.
Ayala (Marisa Miller/Kaley Cuoco) - I'm not sure a really good actresess is appropriate for a role where you play a cave woman. I don't know a lot of philosophical or deep cave ladies in movies? Do you? Pure eye candy here. Insert---> Your favorite blonde supermodel.
Schala (Emily Blunt) - Blunt seems to pull off the wounded duck look well and I would be looking for that in Schala. I'm not saying she couldn't go deeper in this character because she is a very good actress. I also feel that because she can use powerful magic it's appropriate for her to have a dark and intense stare for the camera.
Ozzie (Armin Shimerman) - Not a character I particularily like but this Ferengi actor is goonish enough to play a mystic and a good enough actor to make him funny. Moving on...
Queen Zeal (Judi Dench) - Ah her words are icy cold and her stern royal like stature is almost too perfect. I really like Judy in this role because she has withstood the test of time and is always commanding in her prescense.
King Guardia (Robert Loggia) - OMG it's Robert Loggia! Yes the old blowhard would be perfect for the stuffy overbearing father of Marle. Just watch him as the general in Independence Day and I think you'll agree.
Cyrus (Jensen Ackles) Because we never see his face this role could actually be anyone but i feel that Ackles has the look of naive over-eager Knight that just happened to have F'd with the wrong guy.
Gaspar (Christopher Llyod) - This is almost purely cameo material right here. The master of time is well...Christopher llyod! He's gotten a bit older now. Perhaps his wisdom will guide us around to the end of time.
Final Note: Hey, if you read this far i want to say thank you. I put a lot of thought into this as what would i feel would be the most conceivable Chrono Trigger movie. I also wanted to shy away from super A-list types to make this film seem a little more plausible. I'd love to hear everyone's take. Good or bad.
If you have forgotten some characters: