MovieChat Forums > Kurono toriga (1995) Discussion > My best and worst characters in Chrono T...

My best and worst characters in Chrono Trigger

Best Characters to use.

Chrono- Because he has high strength and speed, he can also use powerful lightning magic Luminaire and sword skills like Cyclone, Spincut, Confuse and learns a life spell. You will use him for the most part of the game. He can get double and triple tech spells from all 5 other characters. Make sure to bring him back to life unless you want to see a different ending. I highly recommend you keep him in the game.

Alya- Because she has high strength and speed, she can use the best power attack tech spells including Rollo Kick, Cat Attack, Rock Throw, Triple Kick, she can also use charm on her enemies and steal items from them, Keep in mind she cannot not use magic attacks for magic based monsters. Later on if you level her up beyond level 73, she can do even more damage, at level 99, she will land a critical blow dealing 9999 damage. I highly recommend you use her in the game.

Robo- Because he has high strength, he can use his tech spells for healing and his laser beam does shadow damage and has lightning spells and uses Area Bomb for fire attacks. he can also heal your characters with Heal Beam, Cure Beam, he can use the best power tech spells that damage enemies including Rocket Punch, Tackle, Uzzi Punch, Keep in mind he cannot not use magic attacks and he starts off as a slow character so use those speed tabs on him and give him power tabs. I highly recommend you use him in the game.

Mediocre characters to use.

Magus- While Magus has powerful Magic spells for all of the fire, ice, lightning, and shadow, he has weak strength, he cannot learn double tech spells at all or triple tech spells unless he has the black rock or blue rock equipped. He can cast Magic defense spell. His Black Hole spell works real well against the boss Son of Sun Fake Flames making the battle easier to win. You'll need to give him power tabs to raise his strength.

Lucca- While Lucca has powerful fire spells including Flare, She has weak strength and defense, you can't give her power tabs to give her strength. She can cast Protect Defense spell.

Frog- His strength and magic spells are okay, He has water spells that work like Marles Ice spells, he can use Heal to cure all allies, and use Cure 2. He can use some powerful sword tech spells including Slurp Cut, Leap Slash. Make sure you keep using power tabs on him to raise his strength.

Worst Characters to use.

Marle- She has weak strength and defense, you can't give her power tabs to give her strength. She has very little ice magic to choose from. You are stuck using her in the beginning part of the game until you get to the End of Time. Also frog has the same water and heal spells Marle has.

However on a positive note, Marle has Haste, Aura, Cure, Cure 2 and Life 2 you can use aura whirl, otherwise avoid using her as much as possible and choose Frog instead as he has much better strength and water magic spell and is a better healer.


Chrono - powerful and versatile, Chrono is great as an offensive swordsman or lightning-blaster. Once the Rainbow sword is acquired, his constant critical hits are brutal.
Robo - also versatile. He can take a beating and deliver one. He has access to lasers, electrical discharges, healing, and the uzzi punch.
Frog - broken record: versatility. His sword is dangerous, his spells grant healing and some small attack (although his magic is weak).

Magus - his magic is unparalleled. Magus delivers a beatdown with any of the elements. He's the only shadow mage around. Plus he's so, so badass and cool.
Marle - she has such great healing capabilities, particularly paired with Frog, Robo, or Ayla.
Lucca - all that firepower. She can burn out enemies FAST.

Ayla - I don't think she's bad, she's just not my favourite. I often wind up resenting characters I feel I have to bring along for completionist reasons. She has Charm, which is needed/desired to stock equipment, so when I don't have the ability to steal items from enemies I feel like I'm not taking the best advantage of the game... So, there's that. On top of that, she doesn't have a lot of spells/techs that appeal to me, so I mostly just have her use Charm until I get the item, then bite/kick people. Meh.
