Am I the only one who thinks Diablo Cody royally ripped Ginger Snaps off when she did Jennifer's Body? Both movies contain two strong female leads ("sisters practically", Needy speak), one girl is cursed (subtract werewolf and add demon), cursed girl goes on a killing spree, and the human sister saves the other by killing her only to be marked next. Plus, the overall story being the death of a tight bond once upon a time
No doubt, but I'm not offended that they copied some things from GS. The problem is they fell short of GS in so many ways. They ripped off its female relationship, but there are enough differences that you can't say it's plagiarized. The metaphor for the crumbling of the relationship once adolescence occurs is missing in JB, though it's a crumbling relationship for other unidentified reasons. However, Needy and Jennifer are different enough characters from Brigitte and Ginger that you can't say it's a Xerox.
What goes wrong from the get go is that Megan Fox and Amanda Seyfried do not look high schoolers. Amanda Seyfried doesn't look like a high school outcast/wallflower no matter how nerdy they made her glasses. Worse, who the hell would mistake Megan Fox for a virgin? That's like mistaking Will Smith for Colonel Sanders. Those casting choices were made for the box office, and considering the two so don't fit those parts, they actually do a very decent job acting.
A lot of other things go wrong. There are no moments in JB to compare with or which equal the werewolf attack, the slide show, or the end of Ginger Snaps.
JB tried to steal the formula to Ginger Snaps, but it left behind the heart.
Amanda Seyfried doesn't look like a high school outcast/wallflower no matter how nerdy they made her glasses.
who the hell would mistake Megan Fox for a virgin?
Only someone who was deaf dumb and blind...I'm guessing that's not the case with this film.
JB tried to steal the formula to Ginger Snaps, but it left behind the heart.
And that is one of the most important things about a film. The only exception being the script. Believe me, I know what its like when both these things don't work in a film. When they don't work, its usually an awful movie in my opinion.
"If you don't like your ideas, stop having them!"
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I forgot to say, the plot turns on the notion that this band thinks Jennifer (Megan Fox) is a virgin and they sacrifice her to Satan to be granted success. Because she wasn't really a virgin, some supernatural side-effect causes her to come back murderously possessed.
I really thought the funniest part of the movie was in the first three minutes. After that, neither the humor nor horror work very often.
I totally agree that Diablo Cody ripped off the basic elements of Ginger Snaps when she did Jennifer's Body...
...but did anyone notice the not-so-subtle wardrobe rip-off of Napoleon Dynamite, in "Needy's" prom dress?.
It was essentially a bad bridesmaid's dress, complete with giant pink sleaves, but the movie did not have any of the good-hearted awkwardness that was integral to Napoleon Dynamite, so it comes across as an out-of-place, bad visual punchline.
Yeah, yeah...The contrast with the "hot" Jennifer and all that...but all I could think was "I like your sleaves. They're real big."
That was a common criticism of Jennifer's Body when it came out. I haven't seen it, but I don't buy Amanda Seyfried as a dowdy, nerdy girl, nor do these two late twentysomething girls look like very convincing high schoolers.
As unconvincing as Amanda Seyfried was as a dowdy nerd (although she played it as well as someone that naturally attractive could), she could pass for a highschooler. She has youthful features.
Megan Fox on the otherhand, definitely looked older than a high schooler. Even most undergraduates look younger than her. I think it's because generally one loses fat off their faces as they age, and her taught features (and obvious surgeries) look more at place on a 20-something centerfold, than a teenager.
Admittedly she could look like a really strung out high-schooler (Like Lindsay Lohan, if her downward spiral started earlier), when she was needing her succubus "fix". That was only *just* believable.
The rest of the time it was like..."Uh...the original cast of 90210 made more convincing high-schoolers" Well, maybe with the exception of the chick who played Andrea Zuckerburg, but you get my drift.
The scene where Ginger wears the form fitting outfit and walks down the hallway and all the guys look at her was filmed so similarly in Jennifer's Body when megan fox walks down the hallway. Both scenes even had blue lockers in the background.
That speech Ginger gives when she is going all incestuous on her sis, there's a bit which is similar in Jennifer's Body, that "Are you scared?" scene.
I think Ginger Snaps might have been an influence on JB but I love both movies.