How do you kill a leprechaun?

So, he's beaten up, hit by a car, smashed by a car, shot with regular bullets, shot with four-leaf clover tipped bullets, thrown into a giant furnace, and magically clobbered by a fortune teller/diviner/oracle lady. Yet, he is undone by falling into wet cement that dries instantly? Yes, I'll repeat that: cement that dries instantly. I think I'm pretty well justified in laughing hysterically at this. Still, I'm curious, how exactly do you kill this little Irish guy? Does the movie ever answer that question or is it just trial and error until he stops breathing? Maybe I missed it.


None of the movies ever really answers that question. He appears to die at the end of some of them, but I'm confident that if each movie had gone on for another five minutes we would have seen him come back.

Your message is posted on the board for #5 but you're talking about #6. At the end of #6 he was in the cement WITH HIS GOLD, which might have kept him happy for a few minutes. But there was plenty of other gold that had already been spent by the human characters, and he's sure to want that back.


In Lep #1, #5, and #6, they say that a four leaf clover temporarily will drain the Leprechaun of it's energy. After it's drained, you can try a technique to kill it, some being:

Burning it
Shooting it
Wrought Iron
Burning it's gold
Exploding it
Putting a freezing mediallion on it

None of these appear to work, so there must be some technique they've never used. If I was to do a Lep movie, I would have the heroes pour the Lep's gold into a huge vat of molten iron, then throw the Lep, along with the mediallion and a few four leaf clovers in there. That might be the one! XD


But they say in #2 that a Leprechaun's gold can't hurt him, so you'd probably just end up with a gold-plated Leprechaun.


Yeah, I guess your right. But that'd be a cool decoration, right?


thats actually number 3 that they mention that

also it says in number 3 that if you destroy the gold you kill the leprechaun, my theory has always been that the lerprechaun dies in many of the movies, but the lep is different in each movie since we have reason to beleive that there are multiple leps

example - lep 1 was 600 years old and in lep 2 the leprechaun is 2000 years old in present time

This is not part of my post...your evil self just happened to gaze at my signature


Kick the little *beep* in the chins, pourr 100 4 leaf clovers on him, dance around it and pogo stick him to death whilst river dancing at the same time!

*I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor.Thats my dream.Thats my nightmare*



With Love,The Bitch



I just beat him with a baseball bat and watch him bleed to death.


Pass him a body of liquor, everyone knows the Irish love to drink. No liver = no leprechaun.


I'm not sure, I'd personally freeze him then smash him and take a torch to the remaining pieces xD, or poor concrete on him and make him a concrete block then put that into a metal safe, and tape four leaf clovers to it then chunk it into the ocean.

"thats actually number 3 that they mention that

also it says in number 3 that if you destroy the gold you kill the leprechaun, my theory has always been that the lerprechaun dies in many of the movies, but the lep is different in each movie since we have reason to beleive that there are multiple leps

example - lep 1 was 600 years old and in lep 2 the leprechaun is 2000 years old in present "

Well in 6 (Back to tha Hood) she said all the Leprechaun's went back into natures spirit whisp after the King died (or something corny like that) except for ONE.


Freeze him, smash him, then seperate the pieces. Melt the gold, encase each piece,sell all your belongings for travel money, then spread each piece across the world after making jewelry out of the pieces. Keep the medallion that freezes him just in case, and make up some bull about it being a family heirloom. Pick one descendant in each generation who's responsible enough to handle the truth and make an account of what you've been through so they'll be prepared on the off-chance that Lep somehow gets put back together. Get someone to bury a piece on top of Mt. Everest. Sink a piece or two at the bottom of the ocean at the North Pole. Bury a piece or two underneath the Pyramids. Then "forget" where you buried everything.


The Leprican likes to smoke right? Grind up a fat load of four leaf clovers stuff it in a pipe and then stuff some tobbaco in with it for burning and to cover the scene and the taste of the clovers. If you can trick him into smoking that, by the time he's finished toking he'll have a buncha clover smoke in his blood. That'd probably kill him.


Whoops, typo;

Scene = scent.


They tried that in this movie, only they used a joint instead of a tobacco pipe. He passed out for a while but that was all.



Non-alcoholic beer


Take away his Lucky Charms.

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I thought the leprechauns in the sequels were different leprechauns from the original


You can't kill leprechauns because they are Immortal creatures, they also don't drink Alcohol and are much smaller than depicted in the series.
