So it appears that on Sunday January 12th UP will be running 4 episodes they didn't air before. Such as the one where Eric guess on trial and dealing with the death of Jared. Maybe they are listening and might actually start to put some more of the episodes back into rotation. I feel bad for the people who haven't been able to see all is the episodes. I missed the series fur so long and then to have our picked up by a network to only skip and edit episodes has been disappointing.


I'll pass. Knowing up/GMC, I bet they'll still be heavily edited. They have completely ruined my desire to watch the show. i really hope another network picks it up

in Requiem, the episode where Jared dies - Amy camps with Stu and wakes up naked after a night of sex. I bet that will be edited out.

Eric has a boyfriend in the episode where he's on trial. I bet they'll skip that part too.

They finally ended up airing the season 5 finale, Sex Lies and expedia.com BUT........ they totally skipped a scene where Amy is in bed with David after having sex. i watched the episode on youTube. I DVR'd An airing from UP. That scene was edited out


Ok. I just saw that they're also airing Everybody hates Chris. what in the world?

And I thought it was weird they were airing Judging amy. This is just weirder

I wonder if they're changing something about the network or something

now I'm somewhat interested. Something's up for them to be airing EHC


They're skipping a ton of episodes too. It's bugging me.



I gave up watching. They're not going to show them all

When people complained about the episode skipping, Last month, they finally stated....

"Some of the episodes we don't air due to subject matter, however we do air them in order. Also, we now have rights to a larger number of episodes, so you should be seeing more of them...and in order.

Thanks for your question! I hope this helps clear things up a bit!"

So it seems like they are airing more episodes but they still plan to skip some

Which to me, That, and the fact the edit scenes and censor language, it's just hard to watch


I've seen two eps in the last week that I haven't seen on Up. So yes, they're adding episodes back into rotation.


But they've still said on their website that they still skip some episodes due to subject matter

And to me, That still makes it too difficult to watch


I'd given it up for a long while and sorta got sucked back in when I was flipping through stations and saw one of the 'dormant' episodes. So now I'm interested to see how many more they'll add. But I sure do take your point.


Up can suck it!

they edit too many episodes. They skip too many episodes. They have ruined a good show
