MovieChat Forums > Get Carter (2000) Discussion > the ending - please help?

the ending - please help?

This is the only movie I have ever walked out on! The only regret is I walked out too late, past the 30 minute mark and I couldn't get my money back. I recently saw the original get carter on DVD this weekend, and while it's not a terrific movie, it is an entertaining crime flick. So I was wondering, does Stallone get killed in the remake or is it Hollywood-ized?


You walked out on this movie? You wanna know the ending?

How about this, I'll sum it up for ya jack-off..go pound sand!

You missed a great movie moron! You don't deserve to know the ending!

Yours Truly,


HOW could you walk out?!?? WHY would you wanna know the end if you walked out?!?

Carter(Sly) goes back to Vegas after he kills the 3 people responsible for his brother's death.

But ya need to know everything else that takes place in between.


you can see much better versions of those scenes in the original which had a brilliant ending
