Interesting changes they made [Spoilers]
There are some interesting changes they made to the story for this movie. They made Jack more of a good guy. He is a collector instead of a hit man. He doesn't have any relations with his brother's wife, unlike Jack Carter in the original. He only threatens the Geraldine character, who is obviously based off of Margaret and Glenda from the original. Interestingly, the actress who plays Glenda's name is Geraldine. Jack also never has relations with Geraldine and isn't the one that murders her with the needle. In the remake Jack doesn't kill Thorpey. Instead of throwing Brumby off the roof, he throws Eddie off the roof. In the original, there is a character named Eric, who is like Cyrus in the remake. Jack takes him and forces alcohol down his throat and then bludgeons him. In the remake Jack forces alcohol down Kinnear's throat, but he let's him live. But he beats Cyrus to death. In the original, the bad guy running the show is Kinnear. In remake Brumby is running the show. Bottom line, Jack shows no mercy in the original. In the remake he is more of a good guy. They change the names and characters around in the remake, I guess to make it more suspenseful, but if you've seen the original, you know they're all bad. They also change things around to white wash Jack Carter.