major fail-

So out of random boredom i searched for Cloud Strife on imdb.
And to my surprise.... FF7/FFVII aint on the list of appearances-
And it says he is most known from Advent Children. hehe.
Aint no biggie. Just a fail . hehe
Dont think anyone would argue that FF7 is the first and biggest/most known appearance this character comes from.


most likely because Advent children was his most recent appearance and alot that saw it never played the game.

I Will Never Be A Memory!!!


It counts movies as being "more likely" to have known somebody from than games or television shows.



if they do make a remake lets hope Square Enix doesn't totally Ruin it, other than crisis core the Enix Final Fantasies haven't been as good as the ole SquareSoft Final Fantasies, its not all about graphics if the storyline is pants... it wont make it better because its High res.

I Will Never Be A Memory!!!


You do understand those graphics were intentional at the time right?
That if given the choice with greater technology they would still have chosen cute cartoon-esque characters for the game.
I am speaking if the game hadn't been created, obviously they prefer high rendered fully proportioned figures NOW, however back then in times of FF6, FF5, they preferred that art style.
Some of it is still in effect in the game actually, look at the early CG sequences featuring Cloud.
