It's just too dated for me to get into.
So to preface this... I never owned a PSone. The PSone was came out when I was slowly getting out of gaming, and couldn't really justify the purchase of a new system. So 7,8,and 9, I just sort of skipped. Later, I got back into gaming with a PS2, and fell in love with 10, really liked 12, and found 13 to be decent if only becuase of the difficulty of some of the later bosses and the movie feel to the story.
But today, same as 5 years ago, same as 3 years ago, every time that I try to get back into the PSone Final Fantasy games, I just can't. They're so very dated. I can go back to the SNES versions, but the crappy 3D in the fight scenes are just horrible.
I know I'm missing a fantastic story, but I just can't get into it.
Rest easy@night-there are devils out there(me)who hunt evil in shadows and mist