where can i find this!?!?

When i was 4 final fantasy 8 came out and all i wanted were the tekken adrenaline action games so i never rlly liked this until i found this in my drawer all scratched up and i cleaned it so it all worked. i recently just beat it and i love it!
But i was looking online for final fantasy 7 and its all like 70 bucks and jeez! i dont have tht much im only 14! so if anyone can help me find this remarkable game (so i hear) tht would help me out so much!!

CraZy...most likely!


sorry your not gonna get it much cheeper than $70, its about £90-£110 here in the UK.

If you have a PS3 you can purchase of the PSN store for about £7.50


For real thts ridiculous!
i mean it may be an awsome game but 70 dollars!!!
thts like the parasite eve games on amazon 200 dollars thts like a rip off!
But thanks for telling me about the playstation network! once i get fast internet ill defo buy it!!

CraZy...most likely!


If you have a PSP you can download it from the website.


Trust me my young friend, it's worth it. My favorite of all time. I just finished it for about the sixth time (I play it through once every two years or so). It gets better each time. Actually I still have the "Prelude" and the star field on as I write this. Gives me chills.

This time I actually looked for things not to like about it and came up damn near empty. A triumph in every respect and well deserving of its stellar reputation. That's the reason it's so expensive. Those that missed out on it when it first came out will pay top dollar after all they've heard about it. It may be pricey, but well worth it in the long run as I can pretty much guarantee you will want to play it more than once.

I bought it on PS3 to have at least some chance of keeping my original copy in working condition. If you have a PS3 just buy it through the Playstation Store. It's only $10 and it plays identically to the original, except you don't have to swap discs :-). If not, bite the bullet.

PS - I'm a big fan of Parasite Eve as well, but $200 is a little much. For that you might as well just buy a PS3 and spend $10 at the store for that one too.


Old post, but you can get it for 10 bucks on PSN.

Whats the point of a signature?


Playstation emulator and a ROM file from the internet are free.
Try any emulation site... it works great :)

"I am a mushroom-cloud laying motherf-cker, motherf-cker!"


Did you ever get it, reeder? If not, I'd recommend it for download on the PS3. (I'd actually recommend downloading VII, VIII and IX as all three are perfect games. Unfortunately VIII and IX are overshadowed by this entry.)

And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?


Sorry, I thought I updated this a long time ago lol.

Yeah I found it at a huge fleet market sale and this guy had it for 30$ but I only had 13 so he gave it to me for that much!

I already have 8! I think I like 8 better, but that may be becasue I played it first.

9 I was thinking of getting on Amazon becasue my internet isn't to great on my ps3.

Twenty-eight days, six hours, 42 minutes, 12 seconds.


About a year before I got my PS3, I had to buy a new copy of Final Fantasy VII because my copy was stolen by a friend in High School. (I let him borrow it, then his ex-gf stole it when they broke up... And because it had been about a year since I loaned it to him, he actually tried to play dumb and pretend he never borrowed it. By that point we were barely talking so I just let it go)

It ended up costing me about $70 online for a new copy. Now it's around $100 for a new copy, but a used one is only like $20-$30 on Amazon.

But year, $13 is a good deal!

I'm almost thinking about ordering a new (well "used") copy of the game (and VIII and IX) simply so I could have the case and manual again. I'm fairly disorganized so my game cases always get broken, and it'd be nice to actually have the original games and cases again, even if they're only for display.

And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?



Yeah I swear I'm not lying lol.
My brother would always play as Law and I would be either Nina, Xiayou, King, and...well just about everyone lol. I still love those games!

And also I didn't know how to use the controller so I played it upside down so the handles were facing outwards and I always beat my older cousins! They got so mad because they always thought I was cheating lmao. I have all this on an old family tape!

And Maxims I would hate them soooo much! That really sucks. I need to play 9. Is it as good as X? Thats my favorite one at the moment. (it switches)

Twenty-eight days, six hours, 42 minutes, 12 seconds.


I still have my discs. I have a newer computer so I do not believe I can play it any more. I might be willing to sell them for the right price. It has been years and I have the installation disc and the 2 playing discs. If you are serious..let me know.

"Life with no freedom is a waste. Freedom with no honor is a bigger waste."
