Replied the game again...almost done
All at level 99. All have best weapons and final break weapons. I have over 100 million gil. Every character has W-Summon with a fully matured KOTR so any single charater could take on any "Weapon" by themself. They also have Final Attack paired with Phoenix so they automatically resurrent five times! And within a few days, all stats will be maxed to 255. I only wonder if I should use the wizards belt to allow to absorb all magical attacks since their physcial defense is so high. All characters can get in 2 4x attacks each round as their speeds are all 255. I have an impressive class S Chocobo that never loses.
Yes, the challenge is gone but the charactes are like trophies at this point. Even that stupid plush character can beat Sephiroth like a rag
"Mankind cannot solve the world's problems. Mankind is the problem."