Incidentally I'll never play this game until people stop charging ridiculous prices for it. And it's only going to get worse as cd's in tip-top condition get rarer.
If you have a PS3, you can buy it off the Playstation Network, or whatever their online service is called. (I have a PS3, but it isn't connected to the internet for now, so I don't really know about their services.) I've heard it's a lot cheaper this way... Like $10 or $15, as opposed to the $50+ you'd pay for a used copy of the original discs online.
I had to re-buy the game last year online (along with
Silent Hill 2 and about three CDs) after a long incident that led to my copies being destroyed. Basically, I leant them all to a friend, and after he broke up with his hyper-dramatic ex-girlfriend, she broke a bunch of his stuff for some stupid form of vengence, inlcuding my games and CDs. Then he convieniently dissapeared without a trace, and when he came back (he moved away for about a year), he "didn't remember" me loaning him the games and CDs. So, basically he refused to pay me the $120 I had to spend last year to rebuy them online. Needless to say, I haven't hung out with him since, and I have since heard that he's pretty sleezy when it comes to people loaning him things.
FFVII was the worst offender, costing about $70 on it's own. (Although it was a great used copy. Perfect case, perfect booklet, and it wasn't even a greatest hits copy.)
"Give Me Immortality, Or Give Me Death"