My best and worst characters in Final Fantasy 7
Best Characters to use.
Cloud Strife- Cloud is one of the best characters to use in the game. He has high strength, high HPs, his sword can kill enemies. His limit breaks can damage many of the enemies including Omnislash. You keep him for almost all of the game. However his sword cannot reach flying enemies.
Barret Wallace- Barret is the best long range character to use in the game, He has high strength, high HPs, many of his gun arm weapons can shoot at flying enemies. His limit breaks can damage many of the enemies including Catastrophe. And Mindblow can drain MPs.
Cid Highland- Cid is also the best character to use in the game, He has high strength, high HPs, his spear can kill enemies. His limit breaks can damage many of the enemies including Highwind.
Tifa Lockhart- Tifa can punch and kick enemies. Her limit break slots are tricky to pull off if you accidentally tap miss. she cannot reach flying enemies.
Red XIII- Red XIII can jump and pounce on enemies, many of his limit breaks have unique features such as haste, draining HPs and MPs, he cannot reach flying enemies.
Yuffie Kisaragi- Yuffie is the best long range character to use, she can throw her ninja star at enemies from a distance and is the best to use on flying enemies, her limit breaks can damage many of the enemies including Doom of the Living. She can use her conformer and morph enemies easily.
Vincent Valentine- Vincent is the best long range character to use, his gun weapons are the best to use on flying enemies, however his limit breaks will turn him into a monster and make him go berserk making the limit breaks unreliable.
Mediocre Characters to use.
Aeris Gainsborough- Aeris isn't a very strong fighter and doesn't have very good weapons but has strong magic spells. She can use healing magic spells and her limit breaks only heals the players or fills up the limit bar. It's best to not use her as much and she will eventually leave your party for good near the end of disc 1.
Worst Characters to use.
Cait Sith- Cait Sith is absolutely the worst character to use in the game. His attacks aren't very strong. His limit breaks including dice and slots are unreliable. Avoid using him as much as possible.