Season 3
Has season 3 ever been released on DVD?
shareSeason 3 has now been released on DVD and there are many great productions here with good to excellent scripts such as Sydney at Ten, The Light of Truth, Fountain of Youth, Arthur's Cross (maybe the best episode of this season), All Choked Up, Vampire's Kiss, Incognito, Antianeiral, and Wages Of Sydney. It was not as good as the first 2 episodes of Relic Hunter but still quite respectable compared with the way other shows like the final third season of Classic Trek were treated in the 1960s.
Of course, there are a few disasters and weak/contrived stories too especially 'Women Want to Know' and 'The Warlord' and perhaps 'Pandora's Box' which opens up well but quickly shows that it has a somewhat weak script but c'est la vie. You don't always get everything you desire. Good luck.
The good episodes All Choked Up and the incomparably popular Vampire's Kiss are also in the season 3 DVD, of course. The actor who played Lucas Blackmer in Vampire's Kiss, Adrian Paul, was magnetic and his performance was superb but this episode's pacing was a bit fast with his deadly rival Kantor pursuing both him and Sydney through 2 continents in improbably quick successions. (Kantor was in North America holding a knife at Karen's throat one minute while trying to access Sydney's travel plans and in the next, he was trying to kill Blackmer in Europe.)
Unfortunately, in a typical Relic Hunter miniseries episode with a total running time of only 42 minutes--if you exclude the opening 1 minute credits--I don't know what the producers could have done to resolve the pacing problems. If they had a few more minutes, it might have been fixed, but most miniseries today have a running time of around 42-44 minutes. Both NCIS and Without a Trace also have/had only 42-44 minutes of running time for each of their episodes. In contrast, the original Star Trek TV series from 1966-1969 had a very generous 50 minutes per episode. That was quite normal for TV shows made in the 1960s and 1970s but not today sadly.