Very disappointed (lots o' spoilers)
I absolutely loved this miniseries except for the end. It broke my heart that Virginia's mom turned out to be severely mentally ill and really tried to kill her as a little girl, but I totally get it that the author intended that bit of hard realism. I could swallow that bitter pill, especially as it painted her father in a new light. What I hate is that Virginia and the Wolf didn't stay together. They didn't have to live happily ever after, but they could have lived *reasonably* happily for a good long time, opened a restaurant, enjoyed their pup together. They get you all psyched up for her to finally get a steady relationship going and squash it. I'm sorry, but the explanation that sometimes even a short relationship can be really fulfilling just doesn't cut it. It's cheap. It's a cop out. What happened to the continuing theme that wolves mate for life? It was almost like she was being set up to repeat her mother's life, being saddled with an unwanted child. After all she went through what kind of growth did she experience if she was still unable to find a life?