Boo-freaking-hoo!. Like we really are supposed to take women and how they feel seriously? You ought to be accepted for your minds but you start complaing if someone isn't saying you look great 35 hours a day. You say you want a nice decent guy with a college education that treats you right but you only give it up to the creeps who have a prison record who probably gave you that black eye which you claim was just an accident because you said you really ran into a wall. You get to stay home, not get your ass shot at when you join the military and get sent to IRAQ, live longer, and have sex whenever you want! So remind me again what exactly is there to complain about?!?!
sorry, i'm convinced all women want is the tough guys. Seriously, go listen to the song "break apart her heart" by good charlotte, or go check out the movies "my best friends girl" and "whatever it takes".
It's like you have to leave a bunch of dead frogs in the woman you likes bedroom just to get her interested in you. Other than that she'll only want to be "just friends", and i'm sick of women constantly telling me "we're too good of friends". I'm getting tired of "my hand being my girlfriend", if you know what i mean lol
"Let's be friends" means "she's just not that in to you" aka she likes you but she doesn't want to *beep* you. It's no ones fault; you can't just make yourself find someone attractive.
What's wrong with being friends? My best friend is a guy. We're very close but we are not meant to be in a romantic relationship. That's just the way it is.
It took a minute for me to figure out what you meant by "my hand being my girlfriend",LOL.
I'm not sure what you mean by "meant to be". Is this some sort of "predestiny" thing? I mean is there a mysterious deity that has made all of your choices in life and guides what is and isn't "meant to be"? How do you know this person is not "meant to be" yours?
you know how they say the only way a woman will get interested in you is if you treat her like crap?
that's basically what it means. You do something that pisses her off, and she'll be all over you. you do something nice for her, she'll say "lets just be friends".
I'm not into the abusive bad boy and I do not believe that we women belong in combat. (But that's another story).
Men with a prison record don't interest me in the slightest. They scare me.
I want a decent man who will treat me well and encourage me,as well as give my self-esteem a boost. But he doesn't have to compliment me 24 hours a day.
First, the "lets just be friends" thing: I agree there are some women out there that I don't mind being "just friends" with, but when every single woman you date tells you that, that's when I start putting my foot down. I'm a nice decent guy but can't get women interested in me. I've played the tough guy, i played the good guy, neither one of them interest women.
And i've noticed all my friends that are the tough guys are the guys that get the women. And get this: One girl i was dating told me the last guy she was with date raped her. And she said she hated the guy, but she was constantly calling him from my house tryin to get back with him. And she's not the only woman ive seen like that.
Every time i tell women they're pretty they say "no i'm not i'm fat and ugly", i mean for crying out loud, they say they want to hear that, but when I say it i don't get a "thank you, that's sweet" or anything, and if I do they always end up teling me "lets just be friends". As far as I'm concerned, women hate it when men tell them they're beautiful, or talented, or give them lots of compliements to boost their self esteem. 10 bucks says you are lying when you say you want men to do that.
Women want a guy that treats them like Sh*t as far as i'm concerned. *beep* YOU
Damn, Vicious you should lighten up lol.. I used to have the same problem as you. I ALWAYS got pocketed away in the friend zone. First of all, you need to realize that it's not women that's the problem, it's you. I'm just taking a guess here, but the reason you may be getting friend zoned is because you are approaching your women as a friend, or just not being aggressive enough. Women don't like being treated like crap, most don't anyways. That story you told about the girl telling you she got date raped, yeah, she's an attention whore, lotta girls like to play the rape card so they can hear their guy friend say 'oh jeez that's awful, i can't believe someone would do that to you, you are so beautiful and innocent, etc." In reality she probably had the *beep* of her life or got drunk and *beep* a guy at a party and is just twisting things to get the attention she wants from you. No girl that was actually raped would just go around talking about it for sympathy.
Anyways, I'm rambling but if it helps, have good self esteem, take care of yourself, workout from time to time and go after the woman you want. Most women want a guy that knows how to take control. (Don't take that to mean you should be a controlling person, nobody likes losers like that.) Don't supplicate or suck up to women, they hate it. Above all else, don't be shy about dealing with sex, if you are that is. Women like it just as much as we do, they just can't be open about it like we can. They need you to make the initial moves. Be the man, be yourself, be confident, it works trust me.
Oh, and if you are stuck on one of those girls that has you friend zoned, just move on, it's probably never gonna happen for you. Not to say you shouldn't have girls as friends, just don't expect to get anywhere sexually with them.
the next time a woman tells me "lets just be friends" i'm going to go to her house and take a huge *beep* in her front doorstep in the middle of the night. Let's see how she likes that.
in the meantime i'll just stick with porno movies and prostitutes.
i find it rather insane that you feel the need to blame all of womankind because you strike out all the time. I have tons of luck with the ladies... I mean, a lot. I used to get friendzoned in the past and I have a few ideas as to why...
In the past I didn't have much of a backbone. I would put women on pedestals. I didn't know how to flirt. Do you? Flirting is an art. You have to act interested and yet mysterious. Flirting is a game. You don't sit around telling women they are 'beautiful'. Rarely if ever do that. That's the quickest way to get rejected.
My girlfriend now is the prettiest girl I've ever dated. How did I get her? Through playing the game. She would make comments and I would react a bit tongue-in-cheek. For example: she is from Finland. I'm from Canada. She said "I heard Finland and Canada are very similar" and I said "Yeah, we both have clouds". THAT is the sort of thing you do. It makes them intrigued in you. "Why is he not showering me with compliments?" etc. They have to desire YOU.
It could also be an issue of self-love. Do you love yourself? Are you confident? Secure with who you are? Ambition is attractive. You don't have to be a "tough guy". You have to be yourself, but never ever generic and don't (as I said) smother them with compliments. *beep* that *beep* I rarely compliment my gf. Keeps her on her toes ;)
I'm just going to watch porn and buy hookers the rest of my life. I'm convinced that's the way it is. you can say "i think that's beneath you" all you want. i don't care anymore.
Women want a guy that treats them like Sh*t as far as i'm concerned. *beep* YOU ------------------ Man, you really need to rethink the women you date. Geeez, if a guy I was with was calling another woman FROM MY HOUSE, he'd be gone in the next second.
You choose badly, and then you accuse the rest of us of being the same way.
I'm single, I don't complain about being that way...I hate trying to be friends with a man who obviously feels more for me than I feel for him. I hate rough tough douche bags but I also don't like skinny whimp weinies(that's what I seem to keep meeting.) But straight up if I'm not interested in the guy from the beginning and he's interested in me, I let him know right then and there, it isn't going to happen.
I don't date bad boy shi* faces either. They can go kick rocks as far as I'm concerned. And if a man puts his hands on me I swear to God he better hope he gets away because if he doesn't I will beat him right back. I don't put up with that.
Maybe I'm a rare find because I don't require constant validation from men, or anyone for that answer!! I don't always bring up how pretty I am or fish for compliments---can we say pathetic!!??!! I think women who have self esteem issues that require men to constantly compliment them and talk about their looks or focus on looks as the main factor in dating are pathetic!! Women like that can continue to date all the douchebag Jersey Shore wanna be idiots...then at least I know they are off the market and I don't have to worry about potentially dating *beep* a$$es like that.
So Viscous - can we just agree to disagree that not all women are the way you described? Just like you say there's nice guys out there...there are nice women as well...and not just ones who weigh 300 pounds and were beaten with the ugly stick. :-)