MovieChat Forums > Joy Ride (2001) Discussion > Anyone else wish they had not shown Rust...

Anyone else wish they had not shown Rusty Nail at all?

I have always loved this movie but I always wished they had just not shown RN at all beyond his feet in the cornfield and his hands. I get that the shots of him are brief but it just seemed that since they made a point of not showing him at all through the entire movie they should've just kept with that, Duel style.

"The cover of this books is so misleading. It never snows like the cover implies that it does."


I think it would be ok to show Rusty in the end, as long as it was godamn Ted Levine... that was what killed for me. we kept the entire movie licening to this great crazy and somewhat inteligent voice in the cb radio, must of us who already knew Ted´s work envioxining him as the driver,and in the end they show this grunting pig giant who grunts...awfull, as awfull as revealing darth vader and using that old fart voice for it... it should be james earl jones voice without the sintethazid ecos.


I agree. I love Ted Levine and I agree that if it had been him physically and they showed him that would have been totally okay.

"The cover of this books is so misleading. It never snows like the cover implies that it does."


Agreed. That scene should have been re shot. Showing that fat ugly guy ruined the moment.


They shouldn't have shown his face at all. Throughout the movie he's just this disembodied voice, with no identity or back story, & that's how he should have stayed. They could have shot the ending while keeping his face in shadow or angled away from the camera, & that would have been a lot creepier. Sometimes things in movies are scarier when you DON'T see them yourself, like in the Blair Witch Project & Rosemary's baby.


Big mistake..I'm sure the directors kicking himself in the ass for not using Ted Levine or just leave it with just the voice and nothing other than the hands and shadow..



Absolutely agree. The guy didn't fit Ted Levine's voice because, well only Ted Levine can fit the voice. But there was so much character in Rusty's voice and didn't seem to exist in the guy who played him. That was a BAD choice.


I liked it.


Good for you. I didn't.


I practically forced myself to think of them as two different characters, as in Ted Levine being Rusty Nail, and the fat attacker as being his partner who was riding with him. That was the only way I could keep from throwing something at my TV. Not really, but you get the point. It was REALLY stupid to either not have Ted Levine play the physical Rusty Nail, or for them to show Rusty Nail at all. Just a very dumb choice on the part of the filmmakers.

If it's Ted's voice, it's got to physically be Ted, or no one at all.

It was almost as bad as "Kiss the Girls" and the complete lie at the end.

If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure. - George W. Bush


Horror movies often benefit from never showing the villain because a face kills the aura -- you see a man, not a monster or demon.


It's great movie but the director made some huge mistake.
This's one of them.

The director thought this's what the audience wait for all movie, but he didn't understand it's not the same logic as slasher movies such as Scream. as CGlMDB write "Sometimes things in movies are scarier when you DON'T see them yourself, like in the Blair Witch Project & Rosemary's baby."


Putting Rosemary’s Baby in the same sentence as The Blair Witch Afterbirth?? 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
