Yeah, actually he would...because he isn't a shallow moron. His character was a very nice, sweet guy, kind of like how Paul was in real life. And Paul Walker was actually attracted to shy, low-maintenance, and "nerdy" girls in real life so it would be hard to imagine him with another type anyways. There are actually many guys who are interested in "nerdy" girls, as Paul Walker showed in real life. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Just because you personally find someone attractive or unattractive it doesn't mean that everyone else feels the same.
She was a close friend of his, and it's implied that he had known her since they were little kids. So they obviously had a bond. She was actually very pretty too, it's not like she was even ugly or unattractive. Plus, like someone else said, if she had been more conventionally attractive (or whatever it is you happen to personally think is attractive)people would be saying why would such a stunning and gorgeous woman like her be interested in a such a "dorky", boy-next-door type of guy like Lewis is, unless he was rich or something like that.