MovieChat Forums > GoldenEye 007 (1997) Discussion > Goldeneye or Perfect Dark?

Goldeneye or Perfect Dark?

which was the best? I think they were equally fun and addicting in there time.


Goldeneye!!!!!!!!!! I could play that for hourssss

Water over powers fire.


Although Goldeneye was seen as a more revolutionary game, and much as I enjoy it, i prefer perfect dark's main game but i love Goldeneye's multiplayer

And what's so stinking about it!?

Hammersmith Hardman #18


Perfect Dark improved on all the basic elements of Goldeneye, but it just lacked the resonance of being a "Bond" movie in the player's hands. The resemblance of the levels to actual movie scenes and sets added a level of realism that Perfect Dark could never have, even with its voices and superior graphics.

So it's Goldeneye for me, but by an EXTEMELY NARROW margin.


Goldeneye set a new standard for first-person shooters from its debut, it paved the way for games entering the 21st century. I think it's far superior to Perfect Dark. It was just plain fun! Multiplayer was a blast, I remember in my early teen years being over at friends' houses playing in tournaments for hours upon end. I also attribute this game to revamping my interest in the Bond franchise as a whole. I will ALWAYS have this game as a top 10 favorite of all time!
"May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house."


equal....defintley equal

*Is Dr. Caroll in Perfect Dark Zero the same Dr. Caroll in Perfect Dark?


Goldeneye smoked perfect dark!!!


I have completed both and I cant honestly pick 1 over the other but the whole bond thing gives it a slight advantage


Goldeneye for sure!
But Perfect Dark comes in 2nd for best FPS of all time. :)

100% Coxa!


Goldeneye was phenomenol for its time and is still a great game today. Perfect Dark just took the same basic design and improved it, so technically I'd say that Perfect Dark is a bit better.

uva uvam videndo varia fit


perfect dark gameplay is much better, but it lacks that 'bond favle' that made goldeneye so great.
perfect was an odd mish mash of Cyberpunk and X-files elements also the ‘ass kicking babe’ Playable character thing had run it’s course and is little use in a first-person game




goldeneye by far!... i used to play this game alot with my cousin back in the day ;)

i was like 17 (almost 18) when this game came out on N64 ;)

this was the days before i got used to playing shooters on the pc... so i was actually good at this game at the time... i just cant play shooters on consoles nowadays as it's just to hard to aim on a analog stick vs a mouse+keyboard combo.


"joanna is a hot character"

yes but this is a FIRST PERSON GAME


Without Goldeneye, Perfect Dark would not exist, but I enjoy playing it more. It's more fun in Combat Simulator.


As awesome as Goldeneye is, PD improved on just about everything that Goldeneye had to offer. Better graphics, more weapons, better campaign, better multiplayer, and lets not forget the sims. The fact that PD had sims in Combat Simulator was amazing. My brothers and I played against the sims for hours and hours. It gave us our first look at Massive Mulitplayer matches and added endless replay value.

Goldeneye was great, but was just the foundation for what would become Perfect Dark. I still play PD from time to time, although I'm more of a Halo fan these days.


Goldeneye is the more impactful game overall. The single player in Goldeneey is better in my opinion because it was new at teh time and the story was interesting. You really felt like the gamer was an additiona dn expansion of the movie. Perfect Dark's stroyline was sorta stupid and it hurt the campain for me. However it took a good idea wiht the multiplayer in Goldeneye (which was revolutionary) and made it so good that to this day i will play the combat simulator agianst the sims every now and then (and yes i ahve halo 3 online)...BTW i understand its fun playing other people online but why can't halo have sims/bots? It seems like a pretty obvius thing to omit. Back on topic here: basically Goldeneye wins because of its historical importance and its integration wiht a compelling plot and movie but PD had a redulously good multiplayer and weapon set up which was clearly superior to Goldeneye's.

"I am the cheese. I am the best character. I am better than both the salami and bologna combined"
