MovieChat Forums > GoldenEye 007 (1997) Discussion > Top 10 Best and Worst N64 games

Top 10 Best and Worst N64 games

Here are my top 10 best

1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
2. Goldeneye
3. Super Smash Bros
4. Perfect Dark
5. Super Mario 64
6. Star Fox 64
7. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
8. Mortal Kombat Trilogy
9. Cruis'n USA
10. Super Mario Kart 64

And now for the top 10 worst

1. Superman 64
2. Mortal Kombat Mythologies
3. Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
4. Automobile Lamborghini
5. Jet Force Gemini
6. Star Wars Episode I Racer
7. Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
8. Banjo Kazooie
9. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
10. Turok: Dinosaur Hunter

What are yours

Proud member of "Paris Hilton Haters Of The World" (P.H.H.O.T.W)


everything apart from the last 3 on top worst
and 4, 7, 8 and 9 on 10 best i aggree with

See You In Another Life Brother



1. Goldeneye
2. Zelda
3. Perfect Dark
4. Super Mario 64
5. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
6. Star Fox 64
7. Wave Race
8. Super Smash Bros.
9. Mario Kart 64
10. Donkey Kong 64


1. Superman 64
2. Yoshi Story
3. Jet Force Gemini
4. Any of those stupid Pokemon games
5. Cruis'n Exotica
6. Mega Man 64
7. Bomberman


Not a big platform fan or fan of the traditional nintendo games (Mario, Donkey Kong, zelda etc). They were excellent games but personally didn't appreciate them hence the omission from the list!!


1 GoldenEye - not just best on N64 - best ever!!still play it!
2 Turok 2 - multiplayer third only to Goldeneye & PD3
3 FIFA 98 - again better than the PS1 version
4 Perfect Dark - great multiplayer, lack of Bond licence made the 1 player games less appealing, great game though
5 F1 World Grand Prix - Far more detailed than the PS1 games
6 Body Harvest - underrated game loads of depth
7 NHL Breakaway 98
8 Mario kart 64


Far too many to list, it seemed that most of the games for the n64 were either just rushed out or were rubbishy versions of PS1 games or SNES updates with '64' added to the title.

A bit of a shame really but it was worth buying an n64 just for goldeneye alone!! However, games like Superman 64 & GT 64 came in veyr useful and door stoppers and book ends!


Does anyone remember NFL Quarterback Club 98. That game was HOT before Madden 07

Proud member of "Paris Hilton Haters Of The World" (P.H.H.O.T.W)


yea i had that ...looking back i accually hate it i think it was discontinued after '98


why all the hate for jet force gemini. I thought that game was beast (of course, that was like 8 years ago).

|The concept of fact|
|is simply a theory.|


I just thought it was boring. I never got into it like I did my other games.


Yeah. I should have never wasted my money on that Jet Force Gemini game. I thought it looked cool when in fact it was too boring.

Proud member of "Paris Hilton Haters Of The World" (P.H.H.O.T.W)



In response to Emphinix's original list, I agree with the best 10 except for numbers four, eight, and nine. Perfect Dark was great, but it should probably be lower on the list simply because it was really just an updated version of Goldeneye, so it loses points on originality.
I've never really liked any of the Mortal Kombat games, on any system. I guess I'm more of a Tekken guy.
Cruis'n USA was just a straight port of a crappy arcade game. I'd rank Top Gear Rally over that game any day, and it wasn't even all that great.
As for the "worst of" list, Star Wars Episode I Racer, while a crass commercial cash-in, was actually kind of fun. But that may just be because I was stoned senseless everytime I played it at a friend's house.
Banjo Kazooie was good, nearly top ten, if it wasn't somewhat similar to the superiour Donkey Kong 64 (which I would place right up there with Super Mario 64.)
And let's face it- blasting dinosaurs was a hell of a lot of fun. Turok would definitely be number ten of my top ten list.
This is all, of course, strictly in my opinion.

Everyone is entitled to their stupid opinion.


Well to me Turok wasn't that good. About Episode I Racer. What do you expect from a video game based on a movie?

Proud Member of "Paris Hilton Haters Of The World" (P.H.H.O.T.W)



I agree that WWF War Zone ain't that good in the 64.
Duke Nukem 64 was not as good in N64. It owned in the PC, and Zero Hour was the worst Duke Nukem

Proud Member of "Paris Hilton Haters Of The World" (P.H.H.O.T.W)


NFL BLITZ ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! !


DAMN! That game OWNED! NFL Blitz!

Proud Member of "Paris Hilton Haters Of The World" (P.H.H.O.T.W)


everybody is forgetting Conker's Bad Fur Day and The World is Not Enough


My list is based on 64 games I have played. Really I haven't played that many... Anyway;

1. Goldeneye
2. Perfect Dark
3. Duke Nukem 64 (Highly underrated in my opinion)
4. Super Mario 64
5. Super Mario Kart 64
6. Star Wars Pod Racer (What was so bad about this game, it was really fun)

1. Diddy Kong Racing
2. Superman 64
3. Hot Wheels Turbo Racing

I've played heaps more, but these ones were more memorable for whatever reason.



did anyone else play a game called aero gauge?this was truly the worst game to be released on any platform.its a dire racing game that would pass off as a flash game you could play for free on the net.
the graphics were awful.

that and fifa 64

anyways heres mine


2.zelda:ocarina of time
3.conkers bad fur day
4.perfect dark
5.banjo kazooie
6.turok 2
7.mario 64
8.mario kart 64
9.ISS 64
10.donkey kong 64

WORST(and boy,is there a lot of them.why so many bad titles for the N64?) gauge
3.superman 64
4.jet force gemini(too long, interesting characters or plotline.the only thing it had was good graphics)
5.FIFA 64
6.south park 64
7.wheel of fortune
8.rainbow six
9.buck bumble
10.doom 64

narrowly missing out on the to ten were any NBA or baseball game,earthworm jim 64,gran turismo 64,both gex games,all pokemon games,mission impossible,power rangers,clayfighter and road rash 64.
theres plenty more that i cant think of at the moment

I once punched a guy out for saying that "Hawk the Slayer" was rubbish


How could you say Mortal Kombat mythologies, Star Wars episode 1 pod racer, and Banjo Kazooie were bad?!?! Banjo was one of the best n64 games ever.


Did anyone like San Francisco Rush? Cuz i played that almost as much as goldeneye. I was addicted to both...idk why i liked SFR...i guess it was really challenging driving those cars cuz they got so much air. Very challenging game.


Yeah, I totally forgot about that one. San Francisco Rush was the best street racing game before The Need for Speed

Proud Member of "Paris Hilton Haters Of The World" (P.H.H.O.T.W)



10 best

1. Goldeneye
2. Perfect Dark
3. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
4. Mission: Impossible
5. The World Is Not Enough
6. Mario Kart
7. Rainbow Six
8. Command & Conquer
9. Mario Party
10. Resident Evil 2

10 worst

1. Turok II
2. Turok
3. Quake II
4. Cruisin' World
5. Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
6. Super Smash Brothers
7. Duke Nukem
8. All those stupid pokiman games
9. Wetrix
10. Fighting Force


1. Super Mario 64 (revolutionized 3d gaming, no luigi which was a little bad but i don't care)
2. Goldeneye (revolutionized first person shooters and influenced multiplayer games like Halo and Quake)
3. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (one of the best rpgs, up there with final fantasy VII)
4. Mario Kart 64 (multiplayer battling and racing redefined)
5. Starfox 64 (the snes version remade)
6. Resident evil 2 (better than the ps version, all on one cartridge with videos, for a 64 game, thats rare)
7. Super Smash Bros. (all your favorite Nintendo characters fighting, play melee and get brawl if you have a wii)
8. Star Wars Episode 1 Racer (Fast racing, graphics were nice)
9. Perfect Dark (still better than the sucky 360 zero)
10. Pilotwings 64 (most underrated game for 64)

10 worst

1. Superman (returns sucks too on ps2 and 360)
2. MK Mythologies: Sub Zero (throw this game in a pit)
3. MK Trilogy (disappointing)
4. Rampage (repetitive)
4. Madden 64 (the other ones were better, nfl teams look funny in this one)
5. ken griffey jr's slugfest (just flat out sucks)
6. wcw nitro (not even close to world tour and revenge)
7. turok: rage wars (play turok 2 instead)
8. pokemon snap (a damn photo game? stadium was better)
9. carmageddon (muddy looking)
10. hot wheels (don't even bother)


I like your list brian_djbj. But actually The Legend of Zelda is not an RPG. It's an adventure game

Proud Member of "Paris Hilton Haters Of The World" (P.H.H.O.T.W)


What about Killer Instinct Gold?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


How can you guys forget the real stinkers on the N64, like:
Milo's Astro Lanes
Dual Heroes
Paperboy 64




World Is Not Enough as a worst game? I actually enjoyed that.


I also enjoyed The World is Not Enough game. I don't see how could it be considered as the worst. I liked the game, but Goldeneye was even a lot better than that game.

Proud Member of "Paris Hilton Haters Of The World" (P.H.H.O.T.W)



does anybody know the name of that game on n64 were u drive motorbikes and u knock people over with crowbars and stuff forgot what its called

It's called Road Rash 64. And yep, it was a good, fun kick ass game.

Proud Member of "Paris Hilton Haters Of The World" (P.H.H.O.T.W)


Top 20 Best:

1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
2. Super Mario 64
3. Lylatwars/Star Fox 64
4. GoldenEye 007
5. 1080 Snowboarding
6. Mario Kart 64
7. Body Harvest
8. Banjo-Kazooie
9. F-Zero X
10. Pilotwings 64
12. Wave-Race 64
13. Star Wars Episode I Racer
14. Star Wars Rogue Squadron
15. Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
16. World Driver Championship
17. Ridge Racer 64
18. WWF No Mercy
19. WWF Wrestlemania 2000
20. Wipeout 64

Top 10 Worst:

1. Mortal Kombat Mythologies
2. Carmageddon 64
3. Superman 64
4. Aero Gauge
5. Clayfighter 63 1/3
6. Cruis'n USA
7. GASP!!
8. FIFA 64
9. Knife Edge
10. GT 64


Ocarina of Time
Mario Kart 64
Perfect Dark (amazing multiplayer bots!)
F Zero X
ISS 98
Body Harvest
Donkey Kong 64
Jet Force Jemini
Turok 2

honourable mention to: WCW vs NWO revenge, World Driver, Diddy Kong, Banjo, Smash Bros, Mario 64.

Superman 64
Fifa games
GT 64
Clayfighter 63 1/3 (although, was rather excruciatingly funny)


Does anyone remember fighting Force. That game was cool

100% fresh squeezed Walrus


I haven't really played many bad games for the N64, but here's my list of the greatest I've played on the console.

1. Super Mario 64 (This game owns!)
2. GoldenEye 007 (I still play this game just to put on all the cheats and mess around after I've beaten it.)
3. Perfect Dark (Multiplayer kicks ass in this!)
4. Ridge Racer 64 (Definitely one of the best racing games for the N64 next to the Rush Trilogy.)
5. Rush Trilogy (San Frnacisco Rush, Rush 2: Extreme Racing U.S.A, San Frnacisco Rush 2049) (Even after I've beaten the games and unlocked everything, I still get a kick out of playing them. The stunt-track for Rush 2 is badass!)
6. Vigilante 8 and Vigilante 8: 2nd offense (Best auto-combat games next to the Twisted Metal Series.)
7. Beetle Adventure Racing (The multiplayer is okay, but what I really like is the detail and complexity of the levels.)
8. Extreme-G (Never played the sequel, but the first one was badass in its weapon selection. My favorite has to be what I call "The Pulse" - The shockwave that temporarily stalls your bike and prevents you from steering.)
9. California Speed (I love the tracks in this one, especially the California track where you can mow down entire cities and bridges with your car!)
10. BattleTanx and BattleTanx: Global Assault (Campaign mode for both games was badass! I especially like the nuke power-ups and the guided missles that you can manually control.)
11. Glover (Not as great as Super Mario 64, but the levels and bosses were quite a challenge for me and I liked that.)
12. Re-Volt (The cars were kickass and some of the levels were pretty cool, like Toytanic)

Games that I played that I would label "okay" would have to be:

1. Crusin' USA and Cruis'n World (Never played Crusin' Exotica, but would have liked to see how it played. The Rush trilogy is better than these games in my opinion.)
2. Monster Truck Madness 64 (The only interesting thing about this game is the ability to play multiplayer against the computer like in Perfect Dark. Monster Truck Madness 1 and 2 is badass on the PC, but you need an Internet connection to do multiplayer, and I had the freakin' slow dial-up at the time.)
3. Monaco Grand Prix (The races were fun, but too long and difficult, and I kept spinning out on the damn grass.)
4. Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue (Some of the levels in this one were very difficult, more so than the ones in Glover and Super Mario 64 combined.)
5. Twisted Edge Extreme Snowboarding (One of my friends loved this game. It's a shame I didn't give it to him when I got rid of it.)
6. Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey '98 (I thought it was pretty funny that you could trip guys with your stick, but I never got the hang of the game itself.)
7. The World is Not Enough (Not as good as GoldenEye 007, but still a great play. The level where you have to avoid being detected after sneaking out of your room at night is so damn hard! I don't know how I beat it the first time around without any cheats... Multiplayer was pretty cool though where you could play against the computer like in Perfect Dark.)
8. Automobili Lamborghini (The part of the tracks that contained the pitstop where you could get fueled up and get your tires repaired was a cool feature, but I kept running out of time to finish each race.)

I'm sorry to say that I never played The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, but I bet that I can find it in a used game store or at a yard sale. Or I'll just get it for the Wii ;)

"Do you have any idea who you're dealing with?!"
"Can you give me a hint?"


i cant really pick "10 best games" but here are some of my best most memorable games i played back in those days (not really in any order) (and i pretty much still like to this day) ...

1.Mortal Kombat Trilogy ( i still like to this day as this general series MK3/UMK3 is still BY FAR my favorite fighting games of all time nothing comes close.. but i have the MAME (arcade emulator) (arcade perfect) version of MK3/UMK3 so this (MKT) is sorta obsolete)
2.Wave Race 64 (still a great game to this day, one of my all time favorites.. the gamecube version (wave race blue storm) was just not as good as it was a little to hard etc etc)
3.Super Mario 64 (when i first seen this on display at blockbuster video i was amazed with the graphics... this was the last great mario game if you ask me as the gamecube pretty much sucked)
4.Goldeneye (great all around game, this was before i really got into movies in general though so i never really knew bond back in these days. then many years later i finally seen the Goldeneye movie itself and it was pretty good ;) (nice seeing the resemblances from game to movie) ... but i remember having quite a bit of fun with this game in multiplayer aspect and even single player was pretty good... this was basically the last great console shooter if you ask me cause now i play all shooters on PC. p.s. screw halo it's overrated )


other games i liked was turok but now it just aint that good but back then it was pretty good... but all-in-all as far as i can remember the top 4 i listed above are the only ones that really stood out for me as far as playing ALOT back in the day and still pretty much liking these games to this day.


To the OP. Zelda- Majora's Mask is DEFINITELY not one of the worst N64 games.

Give her hell from us peeves!
(Blows raspberry)


To the OP, Banjo Kazooie, Jet Force Gemini, and Star Wars Racer are my top 3 favorite games! I loved them!

Somewhere out there...someone's having a worse day than you.


Games I really like:

Perfect Dark
Jet Force Gemini
Star Fox 64
Quake 2
Doom 64
Command & Conquer
Resident Evil 2
Nightmare Creatures
Vigilante 8 and Second Offense
Madden 2002
All-Star Baseball 2001
Wayne Gretsky's 3D Hockey 98
Star Wars Battle for Naboo
Star Soldier Vanishing Earth
Road Rash 64
Rainbow 6
Duke Nukem Zero Hour
San Francisco Rush 2049
Shadow Man
NBA Live 2000
EA Sports NHL 99


Top 10 Best:

1. Perfect Dark
2. Goldeneye
3. WWF No Mercy
4. Turok
5. Mortal Kombat Trilogy
6. Conker's Bad Fur Day
7. Pokemon Stadium (any of the two, preferably one cuz of the reward for beating the E4, too bad both of these died on me :()
8. Star Fox 64
9. Donkey Kong 64
10. WCW/NWO Revenge

Top 10 Worst:

1. Chameleon Twist
2. Pokemon Snap
3. International Superstar Soccer
4. Chameleon Twist 2
5. Wave Race 64
6. Cruis'n USA
7. Diddy Kong Racing
8. FIFA 64
9. Mario Party (Would be in the Top Best, but the rotate the CS mini games screwed it)
10. WWF Attitude
