Director's cut Petition

For those who are on SIF you'll know about if you're not, you're going to be surprised. This film could have been alot better than it was. Alot of things were cut out such as PT Boomber and George the steam roller was going to play a part in the movie. Michael Angelis was going to voice Percy and James but he was cut as well. As you know it cost Britt Allcroft her job all becasue Hollywood made her cut out the best parts. I don't think Miss Allcroft herself was pleased with this. This petition is so we can see the movie with the good parts. Doug Lennox and Russell Means both support this petition. Please sign it if you want to see the directors cut. It actually sounds alot better than the final version.

To read about the bits that didn't make it to the final version (there were alot) go to

Sign the petition. You're signiture is important.

