The worst film ever

Britt Allcroft is a horrible writer and director. She was very talented in bringing Thomas to TV with George Carlin, but this film is worthless. Horrible performances by everyone involved. In my opinion, Allcroft is an absolute meglomaniac, she voiced Lady, the engine that saves everything. Someone who cares about these great stories should take over from this c*4t.

"My powers are beyond your understanding!" Skeletor


Oh come on, I will dis this film as much as the next man, but for all we know Britt may be a perfectly nice person.


I know nothing at all about Britt allcroft so will reserve judgement on her.. suffice to say I thought the movie was crap. People keep saying "oh, its not for adults, its for kids, they love it" But I dont necessarily agree..I love the TV series of Thomas, and watch it regularly with my 2 year old boy who adores Thomas. I got the film for him, and all the time he kept saying "where's Thomas?" whenever it cut to the live action segments. apart from the "sodor" parts he just wasnt interested. The plot is dull, almost unfathomable in fact. totally contrived, almost as if the live-action bits are there only to pad out the sodor parts. This could have been so,so much better. magic dust? shining time? what the hell has that got to do with the Rev awdry's stories? why take a format that obviously works and then completely ruin it?It's always the same when big movie corps gets hold of a great British idea, they always manage to completely ruin it. Think "get carter", "fawlty towers","on the buses","red dwarf","father ted" etc etc etc, they just dont get the message. If it aint broke dont fix it.
