Let's all sit back and stop saying, 'But it's just a kid's movie!'
If you're seriously just rolling your eyes and saying "Oh well, it's just a kid's movie," as your child is gazing at this "train wreck" (hardeeharhar), it's time to expand your horizons.
We collect movies and shows-on-video, since we don't have cable. WE make our child's choices, going by what he's shown interest in whatever we put on in the last two and a half years with him, or by the HIT! Entertainment Co. who I DEFINITELY rec.
A list of shows/movies my son watches and LOVES:
*"Mad Monster Party": while this is indeed an incredibly ridiculous (and yea, sometimes really DUMB movie), it's fun, engaging and makes *sense*. He loves stop action shows because of it, including "Bob the Builder" (another fantastic show that *I* love to watch half the time).
*"Harry Potter-Any": Yea, he watches those; the entire movie, all the way through. Since he was one. I haven't underestimated him one iota.
*"Clue": laughs his BUTT off at so many parts.
*"Bob the Builder: Best Christmas Ever": Like I'd said, BtB is HIGH QUALITY kid's fare. This one expands the BtB universe, introducing Bob's twin brother Tom coming home from his radio post in the North Pole for Christmas. It even features Elton John, which was way neat. The whole show promotes a hard working attitude, and expresses emotion (even thru clay) with the characters. For crying out loud... *I* cried when Bob cries!!
*"My Neighbor Totoro": You want 'magical wonders'? HERE YOU ARE. GREAT film, lovely visuals, promotes imagination and the idea of family. All about a young girl and her family, having to deal with a sick mother in the hospital, moving into a new home with all sorts of mystery and magic. If I didn't have the dad I DO have, I'd want the father in this one as mine. So sweet, loving, and touching. (the Japanese-to-English is a little weird in some spots, but is easily overlooked. Another one I love to watch with him.)
*"The Wiggles (any)": Total win with them, no matter what. Some people don't like them personally, and that's fine. I LOVE them. My son is autistic and non-verbal for the most part, but he'll sing (even if it's only phonetically) with these guys.
*"Angelina the Ballerina (any)": If you want your child to chill a bit, throw these on; calm, well-writ stories that tell of the mice living in "Chippencheddar" (taken from the English town "Chippenham" I'd think, where I'd visited friends!), and have various stories dealing with friendship, standing up for others, and having fun by working together. It's more like a video storybook, without a narrator. Very sweet!
I could go on but... yea. Let's not just sit back and say "Eh, ____ is a kid's movie, who cares?" when it obviously STINKS. My son LOVES Thomas, *in the other vids we have of him*, but I won't be buying this one. My son lost interest five minutes into it and tried playing on the computer instead; my husband put him to bed, leaving him and I to laugh at it. Sorry, but we did. Terrible acting, unstoppably horrid and holey plot, no way to understand ANYTHING that was happening.
The funny part in all of this? My son paid more attention to "The Third Man" with Orson Welles when I put it on one night. Serious.
"You're being an idiot; don't do that," -Elijah Wood to Sean Astin