Michael Weatherly Briefly Reflects on "Dark Angel" in New Interview
Just thought I'd share this... Weatherly briefly talks about "Dark Angel" during an interview about his current show "Bull".
People are always asking me Bull's future, and I’m like, 'Well, look, I know it’s not a disaster.' [Laughs] Some people think, 'It’s still on?' while others are like, 'It’s doing so great!'
There’s a lot of very subjective stuff around television these days. The key is, 'Is the show any good?' Is it holding water and making sense? And when you think of it as a viewer, do you understand what the promise of the show is? And are we delivering? We’re still building the recipe.
My experience on Dark Angel was that we built a show that was a dystopian drama airing Tuesday night at 9, and then in the second year we were an 8 o’clock Freak of the Week, chasing monsters. It became a different show, and that was one of the problems we faced.
I can only look at my own career and say what did work, what didn’t work, and why, and I think we need to just keep whittling away at Bull‘s concept.
The key thing to me is that this is a show about human behavior and understanding it as much as you can. 'Why do people vote one way or the other?' couldn’t be a more relevant question to ask, and it doesn’t just come down to black hats and white hats. I was fascinated by the [presidential] election, and I continue to be. We’re all trying to understand the world we live in, and that world is one word — people. So, a show that’s about understanding people should have a place, an important place.