MovieChat Forums > Bring It On (2000) Discussion > One small thing always bugged me about t...

One small thing always bugged me about this movie -- Pantone

What teacher would think 'Pantone' was pronounced Pant-1? I mean, especially after what was probably years of teaching, since she was old. I'm willing to forgive nonsensical things like that if they add something to the plot, but this just made the teacher look really really stupid.

Forgive me for not leaping for joy, bad back, you know.


It's a trope. The joke is that "the new kid" often gets his name butchered by the teacher. It adds to the embarrassment of introducing yourself at a new school.

Pobre de Dios que no sale en revistas, que no es modelo ni artista, o de familia royal...


See there....Heidi gets it!

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


I had a college professor who is older mispronounce DuBois all the time. The correct pronunciation is DuBwa, she said it DuBoys. It would piss me off all the time so that when I spoke in class about him I'd make sure to really enunciate to very clearly.

However, in the movie it was a joke. My professor was 100% serious.


Cut that teacher some slack. She was probably exhausted from breast feeding her newborn in class and sharing custody with her boytoy student.
