Bad Language in film

I'm not a prude but i hate the word fag and some of the male students walk by the cheerleaders and he says maybe I should be a cheerleader ? His friend says "fag". I know the movies dated now but still kinda the name as using the "n" word.



And also, segregation was not all over the country like homophobic ways are


Oh please don't bring up the slavery card yet again. It doesn't always have to be a competition. Slavery and segregation were abysmal things to have existed but there are still countries in the world to this very day who execute people simply for the fact they're gay.

Get over yourself and show some compassion instead of trying to make white people of today (who had NOTHING to do with the disgusting racism of the past) feel guilty.


What the *beep* is a slavery card. Only a white person would say some dumb s*** like that.


Agreed. Get the f outta here with that stupid comparison.


First of all, slavery has been around forever and all types of people were (not where) slaves, this includes today. If you think slavery is limited to people whose ancestry stems from Africa, you are grossly mistaken. Read some history from before 1790.

Second, segregation occurs consistently everywhere. Women, Asian, African, homosexuals, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, old, young, short, fat, poor, etc. Don't think for one second that you hold all the cards when it comes to being discriminated against. Lest you forget it was the African ancestors who enslaved Jewish people's to build the pyramids. It was also Africans who SOLD (and still sell) fellow Africans to the highest bidder. Gain a wider perspective.


I can have an opinion.


You can have an opinion, undoubtedly.

However, the use of the word fag was not because of the year it was released. It was more so because they were telling the story of how male cheerleaders are made fun of, but who really cares. That's the way I see it. Consider who was calling the male cheerleaders fag: the losing football players and Tor's little brother who's kind of a dweeb. In the end, who prevails? The football players or the cheerleaders?


I have always hated that word and in this context it was justified in its use because those other guys were intentionally trying to demean him and make fun of him. Would it appear in a movie filmed today? More than likely not but depending on the context the "N" word is also used in today's movies. Just watch Django Unchained.


Have you been to high school? People throw that word around all the time. If you don't like it, don't watch the film. Better yet, go live in a cave because that's the only way you can completely avoid that word.


Yeah that's the only thing I'll never be able to tolerate about this movie. Let's just be glad things have definitely changed nowadays :)


When did this become a country full of pussies who are offended by everything?
