MovieChat Forums > Super Mario 64 (1996) Discussion > God Please help me locate a soundtrack ...

God Please help me locate a soundtrack for this game!

I've been searching, and searching, and sarching, for songs fro this game's soundtack until my fatigued, bloodshot, eyes clse and my hair falls from m head in large clumps, subsequently amakinng me to find my blood stained face lying onthe keyboard. Everythime I get close to the few songs desire, a great tradgedie befalls me. The song will appear in a sueaky and ugly midi tone because my outdatd synthesizer cannot process the beutiful musci patterns. I beg you with all that is left of my heart o inform me of a place where I canl legally ownload individual songs from this soundtrack. God la a blessing on any and all who reunite me with this heavenly music.

Why must itunes have every song on an album except for the one you want?



The water theme for jolly roger bay! Oh god! Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!


Haha, I KNOW! Those songs are so pretty and they bring back memories from when I was 8.

Or the song at the end of the credits!? And then there's Jolly Roger Bay, and the desert song, and the song at the very beginning where you choose what file you want to play... oh the memmooorrriiieeesss... *starts daydreaming*


Another great soundtrack is the one to Goldeneye007, oh the memories.


