I have seen many, many horror films, including all of the Exorcist movies (the orginal is still the best,) and I am a huge fan of horror. But, I have never once felt physically ill after watching a scene, like I did after seeing that scene where that poor little boy, James, was ripped to shreds by the hyenas. Now, I know the Exorcist, and I knew what to expect from a movie like this one, but didn't anyone else think that scene went on a bit too long? And, even when Merrin and some guys got out there, they all stood around while the boy was being ripped to shreds! I thought at least once Merrin got the gun, he'd put the kid out of his misery, but he didn't; they all just kept shooting and missing until the hyenas finally dragged the almost dead, yet still screaming child away. That scene went on for too long in my opinion...
I agree with you also. Shoot the kid, A hyena has like the strongest jaws ever, hell there would be nothing left of the kid even if you did kill a hyena or two, did anyone see that face when they first get in the church. creepy!!!!! U wanna see my video!!!???
To ChristianLove69! At first when I read this I thought of soooo many insults and slanderous comments to say to you, but then I really thought about it and I realized you didn't really get off on the hyenas. You just say that kind of stuff because you want attention. You're probably really lonely and nobody pays attention to you in life (probably not even your parents), so you feel like you have to say bizzarre and weird things to get noticed. When you post outlandish, and in some cases racist comments, people pay attention and say NEGATIVE things to you. But is that really the attention you want in life? Somebody posted "don't pay attention to christianlove69, he's one of those posters who...". You just do it for shock value so people will pay attention to you, but that's not the kind of attention you want. Even the screename ChristianLove69 is a little controversial. I think people would pay more attention to you, and take you seriously, if you were honest and told people how you really felt about the movie. If you want to be noticed, join some clubs or play a sport, don't just say bizzarre things. So put down your dungeons and dragons cartridge, get a tan, build up some muscles and play a sport!
P.S. I also got off on the hyena part. Just kidding, Just kidding! That movie is so scary though.
This is one of those movies that tries too hard to make a point. It is not scary, and no that doesn't mean I'm immature. It's one thing to think that the original 'The Exorcist' was a comedy, but this one truly was. Ronny Harlin has had his hands in horrible film his whole life (except DH2.) Schrader was already equipped with great talent and exeprince. The Hyenas were a crappy attempt to portray horror and 'evil' by using a CGI character.
Not only does the scene go on for far too long (and it was probably longer in the cut that the MPAA initially slapped with an NC-17) it served no genuine function in the film, other than to provide a cheap shock. I have no problem with horror films that put children in danger (I hate when children are considered 'safe' in horror films and beyond reproach), provided they are there for more than simple-minded kneejerk reactions. Sure, Renny Harlin was going for the vibe that anything can happen at any time and that no one is safe, that's fine. However, if you aren't going to surround that unpredictability with a real story, or characters with depth and choose to window dress your film with easy scares that is just damn lazy! That sums up the film in a nutshell; Lazy. Harlin made his living directing action movies (with the exception of "Prison" and "Nightmare on Elm Street 4", "Deep Blue Sea" was really more of an action film) and it shows. I think Harlin in a great action director and think he should stick to that. The saddest thing is that I was not even offended by the scene so much as I was bored by it and by it's childish attempts to rub my face in it's forced brutality as a substitute for real suspense and true fear. The same goes for the stillborn child covered in maggots, lazy attempts at grossing you out. It made some of Lucio Fulci's fun with maggots seem artful (the difference being that I expect to see those things in a Fulci film, not in an Exorcist film).
And people thought The Exorcist II was over the top.
Actually, I think that you are missing the point of the scene Camberwell, you say that the scene served no purpose but it did. The purpose of the scene was to make it appear that Joseph was the one who was possesed. Both by having the hyenas attack only the other boy, and the priest's comment after about how they went only after the other boy and acted as if Joseph wasn't even there. Of course you all felt a bit bored by the scene (except for one who finds is sensous, however in the hell you can feel that way) because we as a society have become so desensitised to violence and graphic gore that we are no longer affected by it. Take this movie just as it is back 40 years ago and you would find people running out the doors in terror.
I understand your point, although that leads to the problem with the film's big twist. The reveal that Pazuzu in fact possesses Sarah contradicts the back-story provided by the first three films. At no point in the first three films was it ever mentioned that Father Merrin's first encounter with the demon involved a possessed woman. The Beginning is a desperate film, so desperate in fact that it is willing to trash the back story of the first film (never mind parts two and three) for mere shock effect, and to give the audience a requisite 'twist' that is seems every film is given. I needed no twist in this film, it was a cheap shot made by filmmakers who seemed to have very little respect for a classic film. As for the notion of being desensitized to violence, that was not the reason that the scene bored me. I was bored by it because of the desperation on the filmmakers part to stoop low enough to have a kid being ripped apart just to provide a red herring and a shock, this in not supposed to be a cheap exploitation film or an over the top gore film. I would have felt the same way if the hyena attack were on any other character as well. I found so many more of the film's violent or blasphemous scenes unintentionally funny when they should have been terrifying because they were done by a director who was clearly out of his element. The film only came alive during the battle scene between the British Army and the African tribe, not surprisingly and action scene. I appreciate your opinion; I'll admit that I find this film as unforgivably forced and so committed to my opinion of it. The hyena attack scene struck me as being needlessly graphic simply for the sake of shaking an audience that, if the film had been properly staged, would have been disturbed by seeing it played out as shadows on the wall. On the other hand, I find Gaspar Noe's Irreversible an absolutely gut wrenching and disturbing film because of its explicit violence. Perhaps I'm just a pretentious hypocrite? You make the call. I do know this, that about forty years ago directors like Val Lewton made films that had no onscreen violence whatsoever and still terrified audiences with the atmosphere they created. I was hoping that Exorcist: The Beginning would have that vibe. That is what I will be expecting to see if we ever get a chance to see Paul Schrader's original version of The Beginning. The one that the suits at Morgan Creek thought wasn't scary enough and was boring. Ironically, Harlin's version is nether scary or exciting.
It could have looked more real. But anyhow, that's not my point. A few things I want to say about this film as a whole. The end, where the woman gets possessed and starts crawling around like spiderman was very stupid, not to mention the entire film. The original one was freaky. This was stupid. Reasons why this was stupid: +If I'm not mistaken, Hitler wanted to support christianity and kill the Jews because of Jesus H. Christ. I doubt they would disrespect a priest like this. +The battle scene with the soldiers and the fanatics was useless and had no effect on the plot. +The film really had no plot. No certain direction, just scrambled events. There was no telling what should happen, so your just sitting there without a clue. That's all folks. Now, time for a snack.
I'm going to have to disagree with you on a couple of points.I think the reason that they did the spidery walk was very similar to the original where Reagan puts her hands and arms behind her back and crawls down the stairs (the spiderwalk) they did that to show that there was a supernatural occurance, no one could do that in real life so I think they did the spiderwalk just to show that she was possessed. + Second the part with the Nazis could have really happened. It wasn't about disrespecting a christian priest, it was about killing off a group of Jewish people and frighten them, because nobody knew who would be picked. +I don't know what your talking about with the fanatics, but the place was pure evil, and that's why all of the battle scenes took place. If you noticed that during the battle at the end, some of the soldiers were killing their own men, it was just evil and everyone just turned on each other and started killing because of the evil. +the film indefinately had a plot, a good one for that matter, it's about an archeologist, former priest, who is told about a church that exists in Africa, but it came about however many years before christianity and they wanted to discover the reason why. Along the way people are being "touched" by the devil, including Joseph, and in the end one being completely possessed. Many people die along the way as well because of the evil that ensues And it is also about a priest who rediscovers his faith!
I thought it was really sensual and the aside from being an awesome part in the movie, I found myself a little turned on by the whole thing. I think the shocking and dangerous tone just instantly put me in the mood. I enjoyed the situation with the little boy and the hyenas. I know others did too, but most will probably deny how sexy it made them feel.
And people call me sick for getting turned on when Sarah's possessed. You need some SERIOUS help!
I didn't think the scene was that long... people just get disturbed by the idea. Personally I thought the "Let Jesus *beep* you!" in the original was worse than this part...
No matter what we do, the world will still be broken in the morning reply share
Excuse me for jumping in here, but I would like to comment on what I think is a misconception about Hitler and the Nazis. They didn't really support Christianity; they wanted to create a state religion centered around the "Cult of the Fuhrer". In truth, the top Nazis resented any interference by organized religions and, in particular, the Catholic Church. If you're interested in learning more about the relationship between the Nazis and the Catholic Church, I can recommend the following books: (1) Hitler's Pope: The Secret History of Pope Pius XII; (2) The Catholic Church and Nazi Germany.
+If I'm not mistaken, Hitler wanted to support christianity and kill the Jews because of Jesus H. Christ. I doubt they would disrespect a priest like this.
Yes, you're DEFINITELY mistaken. Hitler's motivations had absolutely nothing to do with God.
I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!! reply share
I personally liked the movie and had to watch it with some lights on. But back to the actual topic. I loove horror movies also but the hyena scene REALLY bothered me. It was horrible to see a child eaten and shredded alive with no one to help him. I had my hand over my mouth and I wanted to cry. It did go on too long for my taste. But if it had only been for a second, it wouldn't haven't had the same effect. If the goal of the scene was to disturb people...it worked.
I agree with you entirely on this one, the scene was more brutal and trivial as the sequels themselves. The film held a story that was merely written for its audience which all of Hollywood's directors do nowadays, "what will the audience think of this part?", they spend too much time on creating frightening twists and gory images to stimulate the slasher fans rather than look at what counts most of all, story and plot. After watching that gruesome scene I was quite moved and disturbed and held that mood until the end of the movie; filmmakers must take the time to also consider what sort of mood their films are going to take and how the audience is going to feel before and after each scene, and this one left me disgusted and unhappy for little James. What, were we all supposed to think that he deserved such horrible torcher for teasing his little brother, what is Hollywood coming to? No message, no theme, no character study, then you have no good movie.
I agree with you fallen_dark_angel1306. I'll even go farther to say that if the scene would have been played with the Dutch girl who was shot rather than the African boy, there would be more uproar about the unconscionable exploitativeness of the scene.
The only saving grace was that the situation was so ridiculous and unrealistic that it took some of the edge of the grossness of it. I believe predatory animals like hyennas would go for the throat well before they went for things like the hands and feet. So the kid wouldn't have been alive so long to be screaming the whole time. Also, the loss of blood from major veins being punctured would have prevented him from being so lively to the end, too.
I also was a little bothered by the gratuitous violence of the hyena scene and not overly impressed with the film as a whole. However, the original Schrader version called Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist is out on DVD and I found it to be considerably better. The biggest benefits, no hyenas eating children, a bit more character development, and a plot that is more consistent with the story lines that are supposed to come later.
I'm going to have to agree with the original poster... i think that the hyena wating boy scene was rather long. i have seen my share of gory gut wrenching movies, but that scene actually left me shaking and rather disturbed... i'm not sure if it was the actual act of the child being torn to pieces, or the mere fact that he was SCREAMING through it all... i have a little trouble sitting through immense amounts of suffering in films. once a person starts screaming and showing their suffering it starts to get to me.
obviously no child was actually torn to bits in real life during the filming, but the idea of it was enough for me to not want to sit through it again...
I hated this scene in the movie. Although I know that it wasn't real, it bothered me watching this scene again after hearing about a little boy being eaten alive by a hyena in Somalia this summer. It is torture to watch someone being eaten alive and to imagine the utter terror of that situation. Another movie with a similar scene is Frozen, although in this film an injured young man is being eaten alive by wolves. Also the movie The Edge has a similar scene with a grizzly bear. These scenes give me the creeps most of all.
I would tend to agree with you about that scene - if it wasn't for the badly animated, cheap looking hyenas that distracted me too much to actually feel anything for the little boy. Had the scene not looked so annoyingly unrealistic, yes, it would have been tough to watch.