I don't really feel like "buying" the movie after looking for it and been told the store doesn't have it (3 times), but if any someone here owns it and can type what he told her before the "Nothing will ever hurt me as much as your reaction to that same experience." I would really appreciate it!
Hope this helps, I finally got around to buying this, and I got some time to type it up. Apologies in advance for any spelling errors..
Jennifer: What's going on?
Ryan: What?
Jennifer: What? This. This, what is this?
Ryan: I don't know! Nothing's going on.
Jennifer: Really? Because I just ran into Megan and she told me that you broke up with her. Is that what this is about? Because I thought I told you not to tell her anything.
Ryan: Yeah, I know.
Jennifer: Well are you upset?
Ryan: No!
Jennifer: So what's going on?
Ryan: I don't know! Things are different.
Jennifer: But I thought we talked about that. Ryan, I thought that we said that we didn't want anything to be different. I thought we said that having sex was just a huge mistake and - and I mean, I mean it was weeks ago now, I thought we'd go back to being just friends, I thought that that would just...
Ryan: Why was it a mistake?
Jennifer: What?
Ryan: You and me. Why was that a mistake? I'm curious.
Jennifer: I thought we talked about it, what - you wanna go over it again?
Ryan: No, you wanna talk - let's talk. Was it a mistake because anything that even comes close to real intimacy freaks you out? Or just that I'm not good enough for you?
Jennifer: Ryan, you - you kissed me and - and I responded. But I wouldn't of done it if I thought it was gonna end our friendship.
Ryan: And neither would I.
Jennifer: Ryan, if I could take it all back, I would.
Ryan: Take it. It's yours. Put it on the shelf with all your other one-night stands.
Jennifer: Why are you doing this?
Ryan: Look, that night was as much a surprise to me as it was to you. But being with you was like going to a place that I had never been before. And after you fell asleep I just laid there, staring up at those cheap fluorescent stars you have stuck on your ceiling, and - after awhile they just started forming a pattern, this weird glow-in-the-dark pattern that linked together our entire relationship. And for the first time everything seemed clear to me - like one logical progression. It felt like you and I were the greatest plan ever made and I had nothing to do with it. Being with you made me feel that maybe I didn't have to keep planning anymore because it felt like I was actually living. And that for once in my life I wouldn't have to work so hard at being happy. That it just could happen. Nothing will ever hurt me as much as your reaction to that same experience.
Jennifer: Ryan..
Ryan: What, what - you wanna go hang out at the library and pretend like nothing happened? I can't do that.
Jennifer: I'm sorry. I'm sorry - I don't know what to say.
Ryan: Look, you don't have to say anything, I have to go. Have fun in Italy.
And now I think I'll add this to the memorable quotes!