When Harry Met Sally

Doesn't this seem like a more modern version of When Harry Met Sally? They both hate each other, don't want to be friends because of the differences and the fact that relationships and sex will get in the way, become friends, be with other people inbetween and talk about it, always has the single friend to talk to about things, and then realize they're in love with each other, sleep with each other, and then live happily ever after? Except the Harry character is more shown in the main female character, eg has sex with many different partners, while Sally could be shown in Ryan, because he doesn't have sex with random partners, but has the odd relationship here and there. Doesn't it seem almost the same?


Yeah, it does seem more like the modern version of "When Harry Met Sally", I finally saw this film for one of my classes. I actually like both movies, but "Boys and Girls" a bit more because of the generation.

~*Nothing gets the blood pumping like a good fall down the steps.*~


This film felt like a shameless rip-off of WHEN HARRY MET SALLY and didn't even come close to that classic


When Harry met Sally was good though... Billy and Meg can actually act and are funny... The two stiffs in this flick had ZERO chemistry.


I really liked this movie. I also like when Harry met Sally.
I thought both were very good, actin g storyline the shizzzzzzzzzz

the last post is host and roast toast


WHMS is way out of BaG's league...


It's a direct rip-off. They even copy specific lines (e.g. "I'm your friend; why can't you talk to me?" "Sometimes I want the other gender's perspective on things").
